A (Subject Index)
Subjects beginning with AC | AD | AE | AF | AG| AI | AL | AM | AN | AP | AQ | AR | AS | AT | AU | AV
Abandoned personal property see Unclaimed goods
Abandoned vehicles
Abduction see Kidnapping
Aboriginal affairs See also Aboriginal Heritage legislation, Aboriginal Lands Trust legislation and
Aboriginal children
Aboriginal Heritage legislation
Aboriginal customary rights see Native title
Aboriginal heritage agreements see Heritage agreements
Aboriginal land rights See also Aboriginal Heritage legislation, Aboriginal Lands Trust legislation, Native Title
Abortion See Also Criminal Law, Family Law
Abuse of persons in care See Also Criminal Law, Mental Health Act
Access for the disabled see People with disabilities
Access to children See Also Family Law
Access to information see Freedom of information
Accident towing see Tow trucks
Accommodation discrimination see Discrimination in relation to accommodation
Accumulations see Perpetuities and accumulations
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome see Infectious diseases
Acquisition of land by public bodies see Land acquisition by public bodies
Acts interpretation see Legislation
Acts of parliament see Legislation
Administration of estates See Also Probate, Inheritance, Trustee
Administrative agencies see Public sector
Adoptive parents see Parents
Adulterated products, articles, substances See Also Food legislation
Adverse possession see Ejectment
Advertising See Also Controlled Substances, Equal Opportunity, Fair Trading
Aerodromes See also Air Navigation
Aerosol sniffing see Volatile substances
Evidence (Affidavits)
Affirmations see Oaths and affirmations
Affordable housing see Housing
Affray see Public order
Affreightment see Sea carriage
Age see: Age of criminal responsibility; Age discrimination; Aged persons; Legal capacity; Minors (Legal rights); Proof of age
Age discrimination
Equal Opportunity
Age of criminal responsibility
Young Offenders
Age of majority see Legal capacity
Aged care hostels see Supported residential facilities
Aged persons
Aged and Infirm Persons’ Property Act 1940
Aged Citizens Clubs (Subsidies) Act 1963
Office for the Ageing Act 1995
Aggravated assault see Aggravated offences
Aggravated burglary see Aggravated offences
Aggravated offences
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988
Landlord and Tenant Act 1936
Agricultural chemicals
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (South Australia) Act 1994
Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Act 2002
Agricultural equipment and machinery
Motor Vehicles Act 1959
Agricultural pests see Plant diseases and pests
Agricultural poisons see Agricultural chemicals
Agricultural produce
Citrus Industry Act 2005
Genetically Modified Crops Management Act 2004
Plant Health Act 2009
Wheat Marketing Act 1989
Agricultural showgrounds
Adelaide Show Grounds (Regulations and By-laws) Act 1929
Agricultural spraying
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (South Australia) Act 1994
Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Act 2002
Agriculture see Primary production
Aiding and abetting
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
AIDS see Infectious diseases
Air navigation see Air transport
Air piracy see Crimes on aircraft
Air pollution
Environment Protection Act 1993
Air traffic control see Air transport
Air transport
Air Navigation Act 1937
Air Transport (Route Licensing – Passenger Services) Act 2002
Aircraft Offences Act 1971
Civil Aviation (Carriers Liability) Act 1962
Civil Liability Act 1936
Airports see Aerodromes
Alcohol consumption in public places
Liquor Licensing Act 1997
Public Intoxication Act 1984
South Australian Motor Sport Act 1984
Alcohol-free zones see Alcohol consumption in public places
Alcohol interlocks
Road Traffic Act 1961
Alcohol levels in blood see Blood and blood testing
Alienation of crown land see Crown land
Ambulance services
Health Care Act 2008
Amusement structure safety see Plant and machinery safety
Anatomy schools see Schools of anatomy
Anchorage and mooring of vessels see Harbors and ports
Animal baiting see Animal trapping and baiting
Animal carcasses see Animal destruction and disposal
Animal cruelty see Animal welfare
Animal destruction and disposal
Dog and Cat Management Act 1995
Dog Fence Act 1946
Impounding Act 1920
Livestock Act 1997
Natural Resources Management Act 2004
Summary Offences Act 1953
Animal ethics
Animal Welfare Act 1985
Animal experiments see Animal ethics
Animal exportation
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972
Animal fights see Animal welfare
Animal identification see Brands and branding
Animal impounding see Impounding of animals
Animal pounds see Impounding of animals
Animal proof fences
Dog Fence Act 1946
Animal sanctuaries see Sanctuaries
Animal trapping and baiting
Animal Welfare Act 1985
Dog Fence Act 1946
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972
Wilderness Protection Act 1992
Animal welfare
Animal Welfare Act 1985
Animal Welfare Act 1985
Civil Liability Act 1936
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
Local Government Act 1999
Summary Offences Act 1953
Veterinary Practice Act 2003
Annual leave see Employment entitlements
Anti-discrimination see Discrimination
ANZAC Day see Holidays
Apiaries and apiculture see Bees and bee keeping
Apprenticeships and traineeships
Fair Work Act 1994
Training and Skills Development Act 2008
Aquabikes see Personal watercraft
Aquaculture Act 2001
Fisheries Management Act 2007
Livestock Act 1997
Aquaculture leases see Aquaculture
Aquaculture licences see Aquaculture
Aquascooters see Personal watercraft
Aquatic pests
Fisheries Management Act 2007
Aquatic plants and animals
Fisheries Management Act 2007
Marine Parks Act 2007
Aquatic reserves see Marine protected areas
Aquifers see Groundwater
Commercial Arbitration Act 2011
Archaeological sites and relics see Heritage conservation
Architectural Practice Act 2009
Archives see Government archives
Arrest see Offenders
Arrest of ships and cargo see Crimes at sea
Bail Act 1985
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
Art galleries
Art Gallery Act 1939
Artificial breeding of livestock
Livestock Act 1997
South Australian Country Arts Trust Act 1992
Asbestosis see Dust diseases
Assault and bodily harm
Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935
Assault of persons in care see Abuse of persons in care
Assemblies see Public assemblies
Assisted reproductive treatment
Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 1988
Family Relationships Act 1975
Association with criminals see Criminal associations
Associations Incorporation Act 1985
Enforcement of Judgments Act 1991
Attachment of earnings see Garnishment
Attendance at school see School attendance
Land Agents Act 1994
Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) Act 1994
Sale of Goods Act 1895
Second-hand Vehicle Dealers Act 1995
Audio-visual evidence see Evidence
Auditing of public accounts see Public audits
Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1983
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