Category: S

  • skos:notation

    skos:notation Notations Some KOS, for example classification systems such as the Universal Decimal Classification [UDC], use notations (or legends) as the primary means of access to the concepts they contain. Notations are symbols that are not normally recognized as words or word sequences in any natural language and therefore can be used independently of natural…

  • Solución de conflictos (Prueba)

    Relaciones Internacionales > Seguridad internacional > Paz Relaciones Internacionales > Política internacional > Acuerdo internacional > Negociación internacional Derecho > Justicia > Procedimiento judicial > Modalidades alternativas de solución de conflictos Solución de conflictos Referencia Eurovoc 3112 Solución de conflictos Conceptos Relacionados Negociación internacional Modalidades alternativas de solución de conflictos Conceptos más específicos Arbitraje internacional…

  • System Types

    Commons domain Domain Created by root on 10/22/2006 Metaweb System Types id: /type mid: /m/0g permission: /boot/root_permission the domain of core metaweb types Schema             Types Type ID # of Properties # of Instances Description Use Types to… Describe any person, place, or concept. This is the most common type in Freebase and is used…

  • Standards

    Standards From James D. Anderson and José Pérez-Carballo “Information Retrieval Design”: Standards versus scientific research Since the beginning of librarianship, millennia ago, improvements in practice have come about mainly through the development of new and better standards or codes of practice. Scientific research, as a means to study and understand phenomena and thereby improve practice,…

  • Syntax

    Syntax Contents 12.1. Precoordinate and Postcoordinate Syntax. 12.2. Precoordinate Syntax for Displayed Indexes. 12.2.1. Subject Heading Syntax: Library of Congress subject headings (LCSH). Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Principles for Subject Heading Systems. 12.2.2. String Syntax. Rotated Term Syntax. Faceted Syntax (PRECIS, CIFT). Converting LCSH to Faceted Syntax. Ad Hoc…

  • Specificity

    Specificity Contents 10.1. Definitions of Specificity 10.2. Relations between Exhaustivity and Specificity. 10.3. Examples of Specificity 10.4. Practical Specificity 10.5. Impact of Specificity on Precision and Recall. 10.6. Impact of Specificity on Vocabulary Size. 10.7. Specificity Versus Syntax. 10.8. Our Examples. 10.8.1. A Book Index. 10.8.2. An Indexing and Abstracting Service. 10.8.3. A Full-Text Encyclopedia/Digital…

  • Subject Scope and Domain

    Subject Scope and Domain Contents: 2.1. Specialized Categories. 2.2. Presenting the Subject Scope and Domain to Users. 2.3. Ranganathan’s Facets. 2.4. Why Bother? 2.5. Our Examples. 2.5.1. A Book Index. 2.5.2. An Indexing and Abstracting Service. 2.5.3. A Full-Text Encyclopedia/Digital Library. ● functions of subject scope and domain analyses : 1 IR databases exist to…

  • Surrogates

    Surrogates Contents 14. Surrogates 14.1. Purpose of Surrogates. 14.2. Guidelines and Standards for Surrogates. 14.3. Selected Readings on Abstracts and Abstracting. 14.4. Surrogates for Machine Searching. 14.5. Our Examples. 14.5.1. A Book Index. 14.5.2. An Indexing and Abstracting Service. 14.5.3. A Full-Text Encyclopedia/Digital Library. • 1definitions of surrogates • 2 • 3 content of surrogates…

  • Surrogate Displays

    Surrogate Displays • 2 staged display of surrogates in print media • 3 staged display of surrogates in electronic media • 4 display of surrogates for subject searches; for author searches in electronic media • 5 research on display of surrogates • 6 display of full surrogates • 7 unified surrogates • 8 options for…

  • Skos Collection

    Skos Collection skos:Collection can never explicitly be part of a skos:ConceptScheme because skos:Collection and skos:ConceptScheme scheme are disjoint The mapping is not bidirectional because not every skos:Collection is an array