Example “Node Labels”

Example “Node Labels”

This example is drawn from a sophisticated thesaurus, with a number of features such as node labels and notations. The node labels, appear in the classified display but not in the alphabetical display. For testing purposes concept identifiers and term identifiers are included in the alphabetical display, although they would not normally be displayed to users. This example does not distinguish between different types of hierarchical, associative or equivalence relationship. These and some other optional features of thesauri remain to be tested in the near future, with different sample data.

For this example, testing includes:

  • Checking that all features can be represented adequately in the DD8723-5 model and the corresponding XML schema.
  • Checking that data expressed in the DD8723-5 XML format can be interpreted correctly to re-create both the alphabetical and the classified display.

This example is based on the sample data given by the following file.

DD8723-5 XML Format

The following example illustrates how this Thesaurus can be recorded in the DD8723-5 format.

Alphabetical display

The following XSL transformation was written to demonstrate that it is possible to recreate thealphabetical display of the Thesaurus from the DD8723-5 format.

The transformation is available at the following location.

The result of the transformation is available here.

Hierarchical display

The following XSL transformation was written to demonstrate that it is possible to recreate thehierarchical display of the Thesaurus from the DD8723-5 format.

The transformation is available at the following location.

The result of the transformation is available here.

Classified display

The following XSL transformation was written to demonstrate that it is possible to recreate theclassified display of the Thesaurus from the DD8723-5 format.

The transformation is available at the following location.

The result of the transformation is available here.