Relevant links:
- AFFHO ( ) (Australian Federation of Family History Organisations)
- AGWeb (Australasian Genealogy Web)
- Australian Family History Compendium
- Australian Family Tree Connections
- Bellarine Peninsula (via Geelong, Vic) – historical societies
- Central Register of Indexing Projects in Australia – Judy Webster, Qld. The Central Register of Indexing Projects in Australia aims to prevent duplication, and to create a finding aid for those seeking indexes to help with their research. To prevent duplication, it is essential to have one central point where people register their projects. Records for one State are often indexed by someone living in a different State, so a single NATIONAL register is required. I have maintained such a register since 1986, and the project has the approval of the Australasian Federation of Family History Organisations. Participants include hundreds of genealogical and historical societies, record repositories, academic historians, and other individuals from all over Australia.
- Convict Tickets of Leave in NSW 1788 to 1850 – thesis by Sid Hammell
- Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet – mind boggling!
- Gazetteer of Australia published by AUSLIG
- Committee for Geographical Names in Australia (CGNA) – Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM)
- Genealogy Resource Page of the Hunter Valley , NSW – cemeteries, court records indexes directory
- Genealogy SF software archive
- History Site of Milton/Ulladulla, NSW – Cathy Dunn – 2 hours south of Sydney – cemeteries, women convicts
- Jewish Genealogy in Australia – useful information
- IIGS (International Internet Genealogical Society)
- National Archives of Ireland – Transportation Records
- National Centre for Australian Studies , Monash Uni – includes beginnings of gazetteer
- Reunion and ‘My Family History’ software – Black*Fire Technology, Australian contact – Mac/Windows
- RootsWeb – ROOTS-L archive, online resources
- Society of Australian Genealogists –
- Family History South Australia This site was created to provide links to family history research information about South Australians and their ancestors at home and abroad. Local data has been included:
- Early South Australian pioneer arrivals (sources fully referenced),
- Early South Australian marriages,
- South Australian church cemeteries,
- A chronology of 19th century South Australia, and
- Contact details for a comprehensive list of South Australian repositories of family history data.
- UK Genealogy is a new and innovative web site, to help anyone researching their UK ancestors.
- Victorian GUM (Genealogists Using Microcomputers)
- WAGS (Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc.)
People and Genealogical Societies with an Interest in Genealogical Indexing
- Linda Cross (GSQ, AusSI) ( )
- Mrs Jean Turvey (AusSI, Genealogical Society of Queensland – Mackay Branch)
- Denise Neville (AusSI,GSQ Mackay) ( )
New South Wales
- Gary Luke (Australian Jewish Genealogical Society) ( Sydney, NSW
- Cathy Dunn ( Indexing Co-ordinator for Milton Ulladulla Historical Society and Little Forest Family history research group
- Pam Ray (AusSI, Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra (HAGSOC))
- Mrs Ann Robinson ( Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies)
- Jo Grant (ANZSI) ( Tallangatta Vic. via Albury/Wodonga
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