
Legal Index Tree Structures

Tree Structures
The Encyclopedia of Law is organized in a number of categories (criminal law, civil law, etc.). Each category is further divided into subcategories. Within each subcategory, descriptors are arrayed hierarchically from most general to most specific in up to a number of hierarchical levels. These trees should not be regarded as representing an authoritative subject classification system but rather as arrangements of descriptors for the guidance and convenience of persons who are assigning subject headings to documents or are searching for literature. The trees are not an exhaustive classification of the subject matter but contain only those terms that have been selected for inclusion in the thesaurus. Their structure frequently represents a compromise among the views and needs of particular disciplines and users, in the absence of any single universally accepted arrangement.

Because of the branching structure of the hierarchies, these lists are sometimes referred to as “trees”. Each Legal Index descriptor appears in at least one place in the trees, and may appear in as many additional places as may be appropriate. Those who index articles or catalog books are instructed to find and use the most specificLegal Index descriptor that is available to represent each indexable concept. Accordingly, the reader may consult the trees to find additional subject headings which are more specific than a given heading, and broader headings as well.


00000  General
01000  Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice
 Admiralty see Maritime
02000  Agricultural
02000  Air & Space
03000  Alternative Dispute Resolution
04000  Annotations & Citations
05000  Antitrust
06000  Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation
07000  Banking
08000  Bankruptcy & Insolvency
09000  Business & Financial
10000  Child Advocacy
 Children see Family  Children
11000  Civil Law
12000  Civil Procedure
13000  Civil Rights
14000  Commercial / General
14010  Commercial / International Trade
03000  Common
15000  Communications
16000  Comparative
04000  Computer & Internet
17000  Conflict of Laws
18000  Constitutional
19000  Construction
20000  Consumer
21000  Contracts
 Copyright see Intellectual Property /   Copyright
22000  Corporate
 Corporate Governance see Corporate or   BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Corporate Governance
23000  Court Records
24000  Court Rules
25000  Courts
26000  Criminal  General
26010  Criminal  Juvenile Offenders
26020  Criminal  Sentencing
27000  Criminal Procedure
28000  Customary
06000  Defamation
29000  Depositions
30000  Dictionaries & Terminology
31000  Disability
94000  Discrimination
 Divorce see Family  Divorce & Separation
 Domestic Relations see headings under   Family Law
92000  Educational Law & Legislation
07000  Elder Law
08000  Election Law
32000  Emigration & Immigration
 Employment see Labor & Employment
33000  Entertainment
34000  Environmental
01000  Essays
35000  Estates & Trusts
36000  Ethics & Professional Responsibility
37000  Evidence
38000  Family  General
38010  Family  Children
38020  Family  Divorce & Separation
38030  Family  Marriage
41000  Forensic Science
 Franchising see Business &   Financial
43000  Gender & the Law
44000  General Practice
09000  Government / General
39000  Government / Federal
89000  Government / State, Provincial &   Municipal
46000  Health
47000  Housing & Urban Development
 Human Rights see POLITICAL SCIENCE /   Human Rights
 Immigration see Emigration &   Immigration
10000  Indigenous Peoples
49000  Insurance
50000  Intellectual Property / General
50010  Intellectual Property / Copyright
50020  Intellectual Property / Patent
50030  Intellectual Property / Trademark
51000  International
11000  Judicial Power
52000  Jurisprudence
53000  Jury
54000  Labor & Employment
55000  Land Use
12000  Landlord & Tenant
56000  Law Office Management
 Legal Assistants see Paralegals &   Paralegalism
59000  Legal Education
60000  Legal History
61000  Legal Profession
62000  Legal Services
63000  Legal Writing
13000  Liability
 Libel & Slander see Defamation
64000  Litigation
00000  Living Trusts
 Living Wills see Right to Die
95000  Malpractice
66000  Maritime
 Marriage see Family  Marriage
96000  Media & the Law
 Mediation see Arbitration,   Negotiation, Mediation
93000  Medical Law & Legislation
67000  Mental Health
14000  Mergers & Acquisitions
68000  Military
69000  Natural Law
70000  Natural Resources
 Negotiation see Arbitration,   Negotiation, Mediation
71000  Paralegals & Paralegalism
 Patent see Intellectual Property /   Patent
15000  Pension Law
97000  Personal Injury
98000  Practical Guides
16000  Privacy
 Professional Responsibility see   Ethics & Professional Responsibility
74000  Property
75000  Public
76000  Public Contract
77000  Public Utilities
78000  Real Estate
79000  Reference
80000  Remedies & Damages
81000  Research
82000  Right to Die
99000  Science & Technology
83000  Securities
 Separation see Family  Divorce & Separation
84000  Sports
 Study & Teaching see Legal   Education
86000  Taxation
 Technology see Science & Technology
87000  Torts
 Trademark see Intellectual Property /   Trademark
17000  Transportation
88000  Trial Practice
 Urban Development see Housing &   Urban Development
90000  Wills
91000  Witnesses


Topics(499) Business Associations(56)
Negotiable Instruments / Payment Systems(5)

Civil Procedure(38)
Climate Change(5)
Patent Law(13)

Constitutional Law(32)
Commercial Transactions(50)
Professional Responsibility(20)

Real Estate Transactions(8)

Criminal Law(66)

Legal Concepts and Skills(12)
Criminal Procedure(37)

Legal Research(148)

Legal Research by State(44)
Employment Discrimination(2)
Tax Law(179)

Legal Writing(32)
Entertainment Law(32)
Tax – Basic Federal Income Taxation(43)

Property Law(92)
Environmental Law(51)
Tax – Corporate Taxation(32)

Tax – Taxation of Business Entities(50)

Family Law(28)
Tax – Partnership Taxation(36)

2L-3L Upper Level Lesson Topics(664) Federal Courts(1)
Tax – S Corporation Taxation(13)

Intellectual Property(66)

Administrative Law(31)
International Law(25)
Trial Advocacy(6)

Animal Law(5)
Labor Law(3)
Wills and Trusts(5)

Aviation Law(11)

Administrative Law
Agriculture Law
Air and Space Law
Animal Law
Arts and Entertainment
Banking and Finance
Bankruptcy Law
Civil Law
Civil Rights and Discrimination
Commercial Law
Communications Law
Comparative and Foreign Law
Conflict of Laws
Constitutional Law, Generally
Consumer Protection Law
Criminal Law and Procedure
Dispute Resolution
Domestic Relations
Education Law
Elder Law
Employment Practice
Energy and Utilities Law
Environmental Law Estates and Trusts
First Amendment
Food and Drug Law
Fourteenth Amendment
Government Contracts
Health Law and Policy
Housing Law
Human Rights Law
Immigration Law
Indian and Aboriginal Law
Insurance Law
Intellectual Property Law
International Law
International Trade
Labor Law
Land Use Planning
Law and Society
Law Enforcement and Corrections
Law of the Sea
Legal Analysis and Writing
Legal Education
Legal History
Legal Profession
Legal Research and Bibliography
Medical Jurisprudence
Military, War and Peace
Motor Vehicles Natural Resources Law
Oil, Gas, and Mineral Law
Practice and Procedure
President/Executive Department
Products Liability
Professional Ethics
Property-Personal and Real
Psychology and Psychiatry
Retirement Security
Science and Technology
Second Amendment
Secured Transactions
Securities Law
Sexuality and the Law
Social Welfare
State and Local Government Law
Taxation-Federal Estate and Gift
Taxation-Federal Income
Taxation-State and Local
Trade Regulation
Transportation Law
Water Law
Workers’ Compensation Law


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