Public International Law Classification (Max Planck Institute)
Notation Classification
VR1 General
VR 1.1 Comprehensive Studies
VR 1.2 Surveys of State Practice
VR 1.3 Surveys of Judicial Decisions
VR 1.4 Surveys of Literature
VR 1.5 Institutes, Societies
VR 1.5.1 Institut de Droit International (before 1996 see 1.5.3)
VR 1.5.2 International Law Association (before 1996 see 1.5.3)
VR 1.5.3 Other Institutions and Societies
VR 1.6 Biographical Publications
VR 1.7 Other Publications
VR 2 History of International Law
VR 3 Basic Problems of International Law
VR 3.1 Basic Problems
VR 3.2 Concept, Essence, Theory of International Law, Philosophical Issues
VR 3.3 International Law and Politics
VR 3.4 Public and Private International Law
VR 4 International Law and National Law
VR 4.1 General Issues, Monism and Dualism, Tranformation
VR 4.2 Conflicts Between International Law and National Law, Hierarchy (before 1996 see 4.1)
VR 4.3 Domestic Implementation of International Norms (before 1996 see 4.1)
VR 4.4 International Law in Federal States (before 1996 see 4.1)
VR 5 Sources of International Law
VR 5.1 General
VR 5.1.1 Interrelationship of Sources, Creation
VR 5.1.2 Jus Cogens, Erga Omnes Obligations (before 1996 see 5.1.1)
VR 5.2 Customary Law
VR 5.3 Treaties (see also 32.2 Peace Treaties)
VR 5.3.1 General Questions, Specific Problems
VR 5.3.2 Conclusion and Entry into Force, Reservations (before 1996 see 5.3.1)
VR 5.3.3 Specific Types of Treaties (before 1996 see 5.3.1)
VR 5.4 General Principles of Law
VR 5.4.1 General Questions
VR 5.4.2 Equity (before 1996 see 5.4.1)
VR 5.4.3 Estoppel (before 1996 see 5.4.1)
VR 5.4.4 Good Faith, Abuse of Rights (before 1996 see 5.4.1)
VR 5.4.5 Other (before 1996 see 5.4.1)
VR 5.5 Resolutions of International Organizations, Soft Law
VR 5.6 Subsidiary Sources
VR 5.7 Codification, ILC
VR 5.8 Other Problems
VR 6 States as Subjects of International Law
VR 6.1 Concept, Origin, Extinction, Recognition, Secession
VR 6.1.1 Concept of the State in International Law
VR 6.1.2 Origin and Extinction (before 1996 see 6.1.1)
VR 6.1.3 Recognition (also of Governments) (before 1996 see 6.1.1)
VR 6.1.4 Secession (before 1996 see 6.1.1)
VR 6.2 Rights and Duties of States (see also 30.4 Humanitarian Intervention)
VR 6.2.1 Sovereignty, Sovereign Equality (before 1996 see 6.2.2)
VR 6.2.2 Independence, Prohibition of Intervention
VR 6.2.3 Domestic Jurisdiction (before 1996 see 6.2.2)
VR 6.3 State Immunity
VR 6.4 Recognition of Sovereign Acts of Foreign States
VR 6.5 Special Forms of States (Federal States, Personal Unions, Microstates)
VR 6.6 State Succession
VR 6.7 Foreign Relations Power
VR 6.8 Dependencies, Decolonization
VR 6.8.1 Mandates and Trust Territories (before 1996 see 6.8.2)
VR 6.8.2 Colonies / Decolonisation / Dependent Territories
VR 6.8.3 Condominium (before 1996 see 6.8.2)
VR 6.9 Status of Particular States and Territories
VR 6.9.1 General Questions
VR 6.9.2 Specific Cases (before 1996 see 6.9.1)
VR 7 Subjects of International Law Other Than States (see 6.), International Organizations (see 26.) and Individuals (see 15.) (Insurgents, De Facto Regime, etc.)
VR 7.1 De Facto Regime
VR 7.2 Insurgents, Civil War Parties
VR 7.3 National Liberation Movements
VR 7.4 Holy See, Order of Malta, Others (ICRC, see 32.1)
VR 8 Groups of States
VR 8.1 General
VR 8.2 British Commonwealth
VR 8.3 Commonwealth of Independent States
VR 8.4 Non-Aligned Countries
VR 9 Territory and Jurisdiction (see also 10. Law of the Sea)
VR 9.1 General
VR 9.2 International Commons, Common Heritage of Mankind
VR 9.3 Acquisition and Loss of Territory
VR 9.4 Domestic Jurisdiction
VR 9.5 Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
VR 9.6 Boundaries
VR 9.6.1 General Questions, Proof of Delimitation, Maps, uti possedetis
VR 9.6.2 Specific Boundary Disputes (before 1996 see 9.6.1)
VR 9.7 Rivers, Lakes, Canals
VR 9.7.1 General Questions
VR 9.7.2 Specific Rivers (before 1996 see 9.7.1)
VR 9.7.3 Specific Canals (before 1996 see 9.7.1)
VR 9.7.4 Specific Lakes (before 1996 see 9.7.1)
VR 9.8 Neighborship, Transboundary Cooperation (see also 13.9 Environment Protection)
VR 10 Law of the Sea (see also 13.6 Environmental Protection, 22.4 Shipping)
VR 10.1 General
VR 10.2 Internal Waters, Coastal Waters, Contiguous Zone
VR 10.3 Continental Shelf
VR 10.4 Exclusive Economic Zone (before 1996 see 10.3)
VR 10.5 Straits (before 1996 see 10.2)
VR 10.6 Archipelagoes
VR 10.7 Bays
VR 10.8 Islands, Rocks
VR 10.9 Deep Sea and Seabed
VR 10.10 High Seas
VR 10.11 Land-Locked States
VR 10.12 Fisheries
VR 10.13 Other Problems
VR 11 Air and Space (see also 13. Environmental Protection, 22. Transport)
VR 11.1 Air
VR 11.2 Space
VR 12 Polar Regions
VR 12.1 Arctic (before 1996 see 12.2)
VR 12.2 Antarctica
VR 13 Environmental Protection
VR 13.1 General
VR 13.2 Air Pollution, Climate, Ozone Layer (before 1992 see 13.1)
VR 13.3 Space (before 1992 see 13.1)
VR 13.4 Protection of Plants and Animals, Biodiversity, Rio Declaration (before 1992 see 13.1)
VR 13.5 Waters (except Seas, see 13.6) (before 1992 see 13.1)
VR 13.6 Marine Areas (before 1992 see 13.1)
VR 13.7 Waste (before 1996 see 13.1)
VR 13.8 Nuclear Safety, Hazardous Activities (before 1992 see 13.1)
VR 13.9 Environmental Protection and Neighborship, Transboundary Cooperation
VR 13.10 Responsibility and Liability
VR 14 Human Rights
VR 14.1 General
VR 14.2 Discrimination, General
VR 14.3 Torture (including UN Convention and European Convention) (before 1992 see 14.10)
VR 14.4 Rights of the Child (including UN Convention)
VR 14.5 Human Rights Protection within the Scope of the United Nations
VR 14.5.1 General
VR 14.5.2 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (before 1996 see 14.5.1)
VR 14.5.3 Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (before 1996 see 14.5.1)
VR 14.5.4 UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (before 1996 see 14.5.1)
VR 14.5.5 UN Covenant on Economic and Social Rights (before 1996 see 14.5.1)
VR 14.5.6 UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (before 1996 see 14.5.1)
VR 14.6 Human Rights Protection in Europe
VR 14.6.1 General Questions
VR 14.6.2 European Convention on Human Rights
VR General Questions
VR Organs and Procedure
VR Specific Rights
VR 14.6.3 European Social Charter
VR 14.7 Human Rights Protection in the Americas
VR 14.7.1 General (before 1996 see 14.7.2)
VR 14.7.2 American Convention on Human Rights
VR 14.8 Human Rights Protection in Africa
VR 14.8.1 General (before 1996 see 14.8.2)
VR 14.8.2 African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
VR 14.9 Other Regional Developments
VR 14.10 Other Problems
VR 15 Individuals and Groups (see also 18.1 Responsibility of Individuals)
VR 15.1 General
VR 15.2 Nationality, Statelessness
VR 15.2.1 General, Acquisition and Loss
VR 15.2.2 Multiple Nationality (before 1996 see 15.2.1)
VR 15.2.3 Statelessness (before 1996 see 15.2.1)
VR 15.2.4 Nationality of Juridical Persons
VR 15.3 Entry and Departure, Aliens
VR 15.3.1 General (before 1996 see 15.4.1)
VR 15.3.2 Immigration and Emigration of Nationals and Aliens (before 1996 see 15.4.1)
VR 15.4 Refugees and Asylum
VR 15.4.1 General
VR 15.4.2 Specific States (before 1996 see 15.4.1)
VR 15.5 Ethnic Groups and Minorities
VR 15.5.1 Indigenous Peoples (before 1996 see 15.5.2)
VR 15.5.2 Minorities
VR 15.6 Self-Determination of Peoples
VR 15.7 Diplomatic Protection
VR 16 State Responsibility and State Liability (see also 13.10 Environmental Protection)
VR 16.1 General Issues, Prerequisites
VR 16.2 Consequences of Liability, Restitution
VR 17 Diplomatic and Consular Relations, Diplomatic and Consular Immunity
VR 17.1 Diplomatic Relations
VR 17.1.1 General, History
VR 17.1.2 Establishment and Severance of Diplomatic Relations, Appointment and Recall of Ambassadors (before 1996 see 17.1.1)
VR 17.1.3 Status of the Embassy Building and the Members of Diplomatic Missions
VR 17.2 Consular Relations
VR 17.2.1 General (before 1996 see 17.1.1)
VR 17.2.2 Status of Members of Consulates (before 1996 see 17.1.1)
VR 18 International Criminal Law, International Criminal Law Cooperation
VR 18.1 General Issues, Responsibility of Individuals (before 1992 see 18.4)
VR 18.2 War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace, Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide
VR 18.3 International Criminal Courts (Yugoslavia Court, International Criminal Court, etc.)
VR 18.4 Criminal Law Cooperation, Mutual Legal Assistance
VR 18.5 Extradition (before 1992 see 18.4)
VR 18.6 Terrorism (before 1992 see 18.4)
VR 18.7 Other Problems, Other Offenses
VR 19 International Public and Private Law Cooperation
VR 19.1 Private Law Cooperation
VR 19.1.1 Private International Law
VR 19.1.2 International Law of Civil Procedure (before 1996 see 19.1.1)
VR 19.2 Public Law Cooperation
VR 19.3 International Banking Law, Securities Law, Cartel Law and Bankruptcy Law
VR 20 World Economic Order and Social Order
VR 20.1 General
VR 20.2 World Trade System: GATT/WTO (Institutional Issues)
VR 20.3 Movement of Goods, Services, Freedom of Establishment (before 1996 see 20.2)
VR 20.4 Most-Favored-Nation Treatment, Nondiscrimination (before 1996 see 20.2)
VR 20.5 Customs, Non-Tariff Trade Barriers (before 1996 see 20.2)
VR 20.6 Dumping, Subsidies (before 1996 see 20.2)
VR 20.7 Individual Economic Sectors (Raw Materials, Energy, Agriculture, etc.)
VR 20.8 Property, Expropriation, Investment
VR 20.9 Protection of Intellectual Property (Copyright, Legal Protection of Industrial Property) (before 1996 see 20.1)
VR 20.10 Multinational Enterprises
VR 20.11 Labor Matters, Social Standards
VR 20.12 Technology Transfer
VR 20.13 Economic Cooperation, Development Policy
VR 20.14 Regional Forms of Economic Integration (see also 33. EU, 33.7 EEA)
VR 20.14.1 Central and South America, Carribean (LAFTA, ANDEAN Group, Caricom, etc.) (before 1992 see 27.3.1)
VR 20.14.2 NAFTA
VR 20.14.3 Asian and Pacific Region
VR 20.14.4 Europe (except EU and EEA) (before 1992 see 27.2.1)
VR 20.14.5 Africa (before 1992 see 27.4.1)
VR 20.14.6 Other Groups (Islamic States, etc.) (before 1992 see 27.7)
VR 21 Finances, Currency, Taxes
VR 21.1 General
VR 21.2 Institutions (World Bank, IMF, etc.) (before 1996 see 21.1)
VR 21.3 Currency
VR 21.4 Loans, Debt
VR 21.5 Taxes
VR 22 Transport
VR 22.1 General
VR 22.2 Air Transport (before 1996 see 22.1)
VR 22.3 Rail Transport, Road Transport (before 1996 see 22.1)
VR 22.4 Shipping (before 1996 see 22.1)
VR 23 Telecommunications
VR 23.1 General Issues, Postal Matters
VR 23.2 Radio, Television (ITU, INTELSAT, etc.) (before 1996 see 23.1)
VR 23.3 Other Forms of Data Transfer
VR 24 Culture, Education, Sport
VR 24.1 Protection of Cultural Property (before 1996 see 24.2)
VR 24.2 Cultural Cooperation
VR 24.3 Education (before 1996 see 24.2)
VR 24.4 Sport (before 1996 see 24.2)
VR 25 Health
VR 26 Law of International Organizations (except UN, see 28., EU, see 33., and Economic Organizations, see 20.)
VR 26.1 General
VR 26.2 Legal Status, Membership (before 1996 see 26.1)
VR 26.3 Internal Law (Personnel, Administrative Tribunals, Budget) (before 1996 see 26.1)
VR 26.4 External Relations (before 1996 see 26.1)
VR 26.5 Non-Governmental Organizations
VR 27 Regional Organizations (except EU, see 33., Economic Organizations, see 20.14, and Alliances, see 31.)
VR 27.1 General (before 1996 see 26.1)
VR 27.2 European Organizations
VR 27.2.1 General
VR 27.2.2 Council of Europe (before 1996 see 27.2.1)
VR 27.2.3 CSCE/OSCE (before 1996 see )
VR 27.2.4 Other (before 1996 see 27.2.1)
VR 27.3 American Organizations
VR 27.3.1 OAS (before 1996 see 20.14.1)
VR 27.3.2 Other (before 1992 see 27.3.1^)
VR 27.4 African Organizations
VR 27.4.1 OAU (before 1996 see 20.14.5)
VR 27.4.2 Other (before 1992 see 27.4.1)
VR 27.5 Asian and Pacific Organizations (before 1996 see 20.14.3)
VR 27.6 Arab and Islamic Organizations
VR 27.6.1 League of Arab States
VR 27.6.2 Other
VR 27.7 Other Regional Organizations
VR 28 United Nations and Specialized Agencies (see also 30.3 Collective Security, 20.13 Economic Cooperation)
VR 28.1 General, Origin, History
VR 28.2 Legal Status, Membership (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.3 UN Charter (Interpretation, Revision) (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.4 Main Organs (except ICJ, see 29.3)
VR 28.4.1 Security Council (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.4.2 General Assembly (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.4.3 Secretariat (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.4.4 Economic and Social Council (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.4.5 Trusteeship Council (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.5 Internal Law (Personnel, Administrative Tribunal, Budget) (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.6 External Relations (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 28.7 Individual Specialized Agencies (before 1996 see 28.1)
VR 29 Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
VR 29.1 General
VR 29.2 Non-Judicial Settlement (Negotiation, Fact-Finding, Good Offices, Mediation, Conciliation) (before 1996 see 29.1)
VR 29.3 ICJ and PCIJ
VR 29.3.1 General Questions, Creation, Historical Background
VR 29.3.2 Jurisdiction and Admissibility (before 1996 see 29.3.1)
VR 29.3.3 Organization and Procedure (before 1996 see 29.3.1)
VR 29.3.4 Effect and Implementation of Decisions (before 1996 see 29.3.1)
VR 29.3.5 Specific Cases (before 1996 see 29.3.1)
VR 29.4 Specialized Procedures (GATT Panels, OSCE, etc.)
VR 29.4.1 General Questions, Creation, Historical Background
VR 29.4.2 Arbitration (before 1996 see 29.4.1)
VR 29.4.3 Panels (GATT and WTO)
VR 29.4.4 Other Procedures (before 1996 see 29.4.1)
VR 29.5 International Commerical Arbitration (including ICSID and Similar Proceedings)
VR 30 Peacekeeping, Collective Security, Prohibition of the Use of Force
VR 30.1 General
VR 30.2 Prohibition of the Use of Force, Self-Defense (before 1992 see 32.1)
VR 30.3 Collective Security, Peacekeeping (before 1996 see 30.1 and 28.1)
VR 30.4 Humanitarian Intervention (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 30.5 Unilateral Measures/Countermeasures (Sanctions, Reprisals, Boycotts, Embargoes)
VR 30.6 Armaments, Arms Trade
VR 30.6.1 General Questions, History
VR 30.6.2 Specific Agreements on Arms Limitation
VR Conventional Weapons (before 1996 see 30.6.1)
VR Nuclear Weapons (before 1996 see 30.6.1)
VR Biological and Chemical Weapons (before 1996 see 30.6.1)
VR Other Weapons Systems (before 1996 see 30.6.1)
VR 30.6.3 Arms Trade
VR 31 Alliances
VR 31.1 General
VR 31.2 Individual Alliances
VR 31.2.1 NATO (before 1996 see 31.1)
VR 31.2.2 WEU (before 1996 see 31.1)
VR 31.2.3 Other Alliances (before 1996 see 31.1)
VR 32 War, Armed Conflict, Neutrality
VR 32.1 General Issues, Individual Conflicts
VR 32.2 Commencement of War, Legal Consequences of a State of War, Termination of War, Peace Treaties
VR 32.3 Use of Particular Types of Weapons (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.4 Specific Issues of Land Warfare, Air Warfare, Naval Warfare (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5 Treatment of Particular Groups of Persons (Combatants, Civilians, Prisoners of War, Mercenaries, etc.)
VR 32.5.1 General Questions (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5.2 Combatant Status (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5.3 Protection of the Civilian Population (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5.4 Prisoners of War (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5.5 Mercenaries (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5.6 Hostages (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5.7 Guerilla and Partisan Movements (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.5.8 Medical Personnel (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.6 Protection of Particular Legal Interests
VR 32.6.1 Protection of Private Property (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.6.2 Protection of the Natural Environment (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.6.3 Protection of Cultural Property (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.7 Occupation
VR 32.7.1 General Questions (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.7.2 Specific Territories (before 1996 see 32.1)
VR 32.8 Non-International Armed Conflict
VR 32.9 Neutrality
VR 33 European Union, European Communities
VR 33.1 General Issues, Origin, History
VR 33.2 Constitution
VR 33.2.1 General, Division of Competences
VR 33.2.2 EU Citizenship (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.2.3 Basic Rights (including Equality and the Prohibition of Discrimination) (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.2.4 Sources of Community Law
VR General Questions (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR Secondary Community Law (Regulations, Directives, Decisions) (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR European Administrative Law (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.2.5 Community Legislative Procedure (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.2.6 Liability of the Community (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.3 Organs and Institutions
VR 33.3.1 General Questions (Seat, Languages, etc.) (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.3.2 Council of Ministers, European Council (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.3.3 Commission (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.3.4 European Parliament (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.3.5 Court of Justice of the European Communities
VR General Questions (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR Specific Procedures (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.3.6 Other Institutions and Organs (before 1996 see 33.2.1)
VR 33.4 Community Law and National Law (Priority and Direct Application)
VR 33.5 Implementation of Community Law (before 1996 see 33.4)
VR 33.6 Harmonization of Laws (before 1996 see 33.4)
VR 33.7 External Relations, Association, Accession, Common Commercial Policy
VR 33.7.1 Common Foreign and Security Policy, General Questions of Foreign Relations
VR 33.7.2 Common Commercial Policy (before 1996 see 33.7.1)
VR 33.7.3 Association, EEA (before 1996 see 33.7.1)
VR 33.7.4 Accession of States (before 1996 see 33.7.1)
VR 33.8 Finances, Currency
VR 33.8.1 EMS and Currency Union (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.8.2 Free Movement of Capital, Banking, Insurance (before 1996 see 33.9)
VR 33.8.3 Budget, Community Finance (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.9 Free Movement of Goods
VR 33.10 Free Movement of Persons, Freedom of Establishment, Freedom of Services
VR 33.10.1 Free Movement of Workers, Free Movement in General
VR 33.10.2 Freedom of Establishment (before 1996 see 33.10.1)
VR 33.10.3 Freedom of Services (before 1996 see 33.10.1)
VR 33.11 Competition, State Aids
VR 33.11.1 Competition, Cartel Law
VR 33.11.2 Subsidies (before 1996 see 33.11.1)
VR 33.11.3 Monopolies, Public Enterprises (before 1996 see 33.11.1)
VR 33.12 Common Agricultural and Fisheries Policy (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.13 Transport Policy (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.14 Labor Law, Social Policy (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.15 Environmental Protection, Consumer Protection, Health (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.16 Research, Technology, Industry (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.17 Culture, Media, Education, Sport (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.18 Cooperation in the Areas of Justice and Home Affairs
VR 33.18.1 General Questions (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.18.2 Asylum and Immigration Policy, Border Controls, Visa Policy (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.18.3 Criminal Law Cooperation (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.18.4 Jurisdiction and Enforcement in Civil Matters (before 1996 see 33.19)
VR 33.19 Other Policies and Problems
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