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Collected Quotes
Collected Quotes “When a thing has been said, and said well, have no scruple. Take it and copy it.” (Anatole France) “One of the surest of tests is the way in which a poet borrows. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better,…
USE or recommended descriptor Use a thesaurus Like a dictionary, a thesaurus can help you expand the way you talk about your topic. A thesaurus contains groupings of words collected according to their meaning. Here’s how you can use a thesaurus in a research paper: Choose a word as a starting point. Just like in…
Definitions Providing the definition of a word or phrase used in an unusual or restricted way The objective of this technique is to provide a definition for any word used in an unusual or restricted manner. A word is used in an unusual or restricted way when: dictionaries give several definitions of the word, but…
Languages . Note: this is a multilingual thesaurus; that is, a thesaurus that uses more than one language, in which each concept is represented by a preferred term in each of the languages, and there is a single structure of hierarchical and associative relationships between concepts that is independent of language. RDF flat literals are…
URI Uniform resource locator or universal resource locator URI Partitioning There is some confusion in the web community about URI space partitioning, specifically, about the relationship between the concepts of URL, URN and URI. The confusion is due to the incompatibility between two different views of URI partitioning, which we call the “classical” and “contemporary”…
skos:Concept A complex concept is a concept that combines two or more simpler concepts. For example, human resource management combines the idea of people with their usefulness as resources requiring management. Complex concepts are sometimes expressed with a single word, but more often they are expressed with a multi-word term. A concept is a unit…
skos:prefLabel The preferred term: use for the descriptor. A term specified by a controlled vocabulary for use in representing a concept in indexing. For example: schools; school uniform; schooling costs; tuition. A preferred term should preferably be a noun or noun phrase. Preferred lexical labels The skos:prefLabel property allows a preferred lexical label to be…
skos:altLabel The concept (see skos:Concept) is defined by a natural language label. SKOS provides three properties for attaching labels to a concept, the most important being skos:prefLabel (see; is a preferred label for a concept, only a single preferred label is allowed per language) and skos:altLabel, which we are discussing here. These are alternative labels…
skos:broader Broader relationships skos:broader, skos:narrower and skos:related reflect what, in ISO 2788/5964, was BT, NT and RT at the concept level. However, since SKOS has a broader scope in terms of KOS types, it does not make any recommendation as precise as in ISO 2788 on what is a valid hierarchy. It is primarily up…
skos:narrower Narrower/specific relationships skos:broader, skos:narrower and skos:related reflect what, in ISO 2788/5964, was BT, NT and RT at the concept level. However, since SKOS has a broader scope in terms of KOS types, it does not make any recommendation as precise as in ISO 2788 on what is a valid hierarchy. It is primarily up…