Schiller Classification System
A call number in the Schiller classification system is comprised of an abbreviation to designate a legal system, followed by a number indicating the specific subject area within the system. The legal systems covered by Schiller include the following:
A | Ancient Law (e.g., A.Ch) |
Comp | Comparative Law |
Eccl | Canon Law |
Hin | Brahmin-Buddhist Law |
GH | History of Law |
GJ | Legal Philosophy & Jurisprudence |
Jew | Biblical, Talmudic & Rabbinical Law of the Jews |
Moh | Mohammedan Law |
M | Medieval Law (e.g., M.Fr) |
Pr | Preliterate Law |
Rom | Roman Law |
Foreign legal systems are also assigned Schiller call numbers. Examples:
Af.Gam | Law of Gambia |
It | Law of Italy |
Thai | Law of Thailand |
Jpn | Law of Japan |
Sp.Mex | Law of Mexico |
The subject divisions within these legal systems are shown in the table below. (Please note that the numbers for a given subject division apply across all countries and legal systems covered by the Schiller classification system. This fact makes searches by call number a good and quick way to find materials in the same subject area across different legal systems.)
0-99 | Reference | 200-299 | Jurisprudence |
100-199 | Sources of the Law | 300-399 | Law of Persons |
110 | Statutes | 400-499 | Property |
120 | Codes | 450 | Succession |
130 | Custom | 500-599 | Obligations (Contracts & Torts) |
140 | Jurists | 600-699 | Commercial Law |
150 | Court Reports & Digests | 700-799 | Civil Procedure |
160 | Public Documents | 800-899 | Crim. Law & Proc. |
170 | Non-Legal Sources | 900-999 | Public Law |
180 | Local Sources | 910 | Constitutional Law |
190 | History | 930 | Administrative Law |
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