Alphabetical Index of the Dictionary
This index was created using NEPHIS syntax. Locators refer to chapters (chap.), sections (sec.) or to paragraphs. All locators include a chapter number. Section locators include the full section number (which is included in the headings at the top of each page). Paragraph locators consist of a chapter number, a full stop (dot), and a paragraph number. Paragraph numbers can be found on each page of text in the right margin at the head of each paragraph. The glossary, in which definitions and cross references are arranged in alphabetical order, is not included in this index, nor is the bibliography, also arranged in al- phabetical order by primary author.
- A.L.A. filing rules
- A.L.A. filing rules as standards for alphanumeric arrangement
- abbreviations in alphanumeric arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- abstract entities
- abstract entities concepts: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- abstract entities in IR databases
- abstract entities independent existence: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- abstract entities universities as example: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- abstract entities versus attributes and processes in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- abstract entities versus concrete entities in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- abstracting
- abstracting and abstracts.
- abstracting readings
- abstracts
- abstracts alternatives to: (reference: Surrogates)
- abstracts as basis for indexing
- abstracts as indexable matter
- abstracts role in information retrieval: (reference: Documentary Units)
- abstracts types: (reference: Surrogates)
- abstracts versus documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- Abstracts in anthropology
- Abstracts in anthropology table of contents: (reference: Search Interface)
- accuracy
- accuracy of indexing. impact of indexable matter
- accuracy acknowledgments
- accuracy to members of NISO Committee YY :
- accuracy to Milstead (Jessica L.) : .
- accuracy to scholars and practitioners : .
- accuracy to students :
- accuracy to Wellisch (Hans H.) :
- acronyms
- acronyms for facets. PMEST: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- actions
- actions and entities.
- actions combination in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- actions in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); examples: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- actions names: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- activity theory
- activity theory treatment of knowledge organization: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- ad hoc string syntax
- ad hoc string syntax compared to faceted syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc string syntax compared to natural language syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc string syntax definitions: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc string syntax examples of index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc string syntax examples of index statements: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc string syntax for book indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc string syntax NEPHIS: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc syntax
- ad hoc syntax and systematic syntax. combinations; examples in Psychological abstracts: .
- ad hoc syntax characteristics: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc syntax cross references: (reference: Syntax); placement: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc syntax elements: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc syntax examples: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc syntax guidelines: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc syntax prepositions: (reference: Syntax)
- advisory groups
- selection of useful documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- agents versus objects in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- ALA filing rules
- Allen (Bryce L.)
- Allen (Bryce L.) views on visualization and cognitive abilities: (reference: Search Interface)
- alphabetical .. see: alphanumeric ..
- alphabetico-classed arrangement. see: alphanumeric-relational arrangement
- alphanumeric arrangement
- alphanumeric arrangement abbreviations: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement acronyms: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement ampersand: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement controversies: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement examples: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement in hypertext displays
- alphanumeric arrangement initialisms: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement lack of consensus among standards
- alphanumeric arrangement lack of research
- alphanumeric arrangement non-alphanumeric criteria: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement numbers: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement of book indexes: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement of displayed indexes
- alphanumeric arrangement punctuation: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement roman numerals: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement spaces: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric arrangement standards
- alphanumeric arrangement Library of Congress filing rules: .
- alphanumeric arrangement NISO
- alphanumeric arrangement subject headings: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric browsing using Library of Congress subject headings: .
- alphanumeric displays
- alphanumeric displays advantages: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric displays in hypertext.
- alphanumeric displays goals: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric displays problematic nature: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric displays versus relational classified displays: (reference: Syntax),
- alphanumeric indexes
- alphanumeric indexes browsable display design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- alphanumeric indexes display in printed books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric indexes for classified arrangements: (reference: Syntax)
- alphanumeric indexes in print media.
- alphanumeric indexes preference for: (reference: Search Interface)
- alphanumeric indexes staged display in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric indexes syndetic structure
- alphanumeric-relational arrangement
- Altavista web search engine
- Altavista web search engine indexing of image texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- America: history and life
- America record formats
- America rotated term syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- American Library Association
- American Library Association special interest groups: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- American Library Association views on display of Library of Congress subject headings: .
- American Society for Information Science
- American Society for Information Science endorsement of standards for indexes
- American Society for Information Science opposition to standards for indexes
- American Society for Information Science opposition to terminology for non-displayed indexes
- American Society for Information Science and Technology
- American Society for Information Science and Technology Classification Research SIG: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- American Society of Indexers objections to standards for indexes
- ampersand in alphanumeric arrangement
- analysis
- and indexing of documents. methods : chap.
- computer algorithmic. of texts for indexing
- guidelines in cataloging and classification at Rutgers University: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- human intellectual. of texts for indexing
- methods.
- methods. examples
- methods for book indexes
- methods for digital libraries
- methods for full-text encyclopedias
- methods for indexing and abstracting services
- methods in human indexing.
- British standards: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- international standards: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- methods
- rules in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- standards in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- units of. documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- analytico-synthetic classification syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- Anderson (James D.) views on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- anomalous states of knowledge.
- anomalous states of knowledge. views of Belkin (Nicholas J.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- anthropology
- anthropology indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Search Interface)
- apostrophes treatment in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- arrangement
- arrangement related terms to consider: alphanumeric arrangement; relational classified displays
- arrangement alphanumeric. lack of consensus among standards; lack of research; of displayed indexes; standards (A.L.A. filing rules; Library of Congress filing rules: .; NISO)
- arrangement alphanumeric-relational. of displayed indexes
- arrangement classified. see: relational classified
- arrangement of book indexes
- arrangement of displayed indexes, chap.
- arrangement examples of policies
- arrangement options: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- arrangement of displayed indexes for digital libraries
- arrangement of displayed indexes for electronic books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- arrangement of displayed indexes for electronic encyclopedias
- arrangement of displayed indexes for indexing and abstracting services
- arrangement of entries
- arrangement of facets.
- arrangement views of Ranganathan (Shiyali Ramamrita): (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- arrangement of facets by other facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- arrangement of facets for databases: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for document collections: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for ethnicities: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for Germanic languages: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for groups: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for Indo-European languages: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for institutions: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for language families: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for languages: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for persons: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for places: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- arrangement of indexes versus classifications: (reference: Syntax)
- arrangement of retrieved documentary units.
- arrangement methods: (reference: Syntax)
- arrangement of subdivisions in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- arrangement of subheadings
- arrangement of terms in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- arrangement of topics within facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- arrangement relational classified. of displayed indexes; of index headings within facets: (reference: Syntax)
- Artandi (Susan)
- artistic works
- artistic works versus critical works.
- artistic works subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- ASIS thesaurus: .
- ASIS thesaurus: . display: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- ASIS thesaurus: . facets: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Association of Library Collections and Technical Services. Subject Analysis Committee
- Association of Library Collections and Technical Services. Subject Analysis Committee views on term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Associative Interactive Dictionary as example of automatic vocabulary management: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- associative relationships
- associative relationships related term to consider: related terms
- associative relationships in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- associative relationships versus hierarchical relationships in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- attributes
- attributes and components of IR databases : pt., pt.
- attributes and processes versus abstract entities in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- audience
- audience as non-topical feature
- audience as searchable feature
- audience in documentary scope for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- audio media
- audio media types: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- author processes
- author processes role in subject scope versus documentary scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- author searches
- author searches surrogates.
- author searches display in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- author searches display in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- authority
- authority assessments.
- authority role of human indexers: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- authority records
- authority records MARC formats: (reference: Record Format)
- authorship
- authors
- authors and authorship as non-topical feature
- authors and creators.
- authors types as searchable features: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- authors corporate bodies: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- authors exhaustive indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- authors identification.
- authors standards: (reference: Surrogates)
- authors indexes to
- authors of IR databases
- automatic clustering
- automatic clustering thresholds: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic clustering techniques: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing
- automatic indexing addition of terms to thesauri: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing clustering
- automatic indexing combined with human indexing
- automatic indexing compared to human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing incompatibility: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing cultural factors: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing definition of words: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- automatic indexing effectiveness: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing exhaustivity for important documents: (reference: Exhaustivity); in book indexes: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- automatic indexing feedback: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing for displayed indexes in indexing and abstracting services in print media: (reference: Syntax)
- automatic indexing frequency of words
- automatic indexing human indexing as model: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing identification of phrases: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing cost versus benefits: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing importance of phrases: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing index terms.
- automatic indexing specificity in book indexes: (reference: Specifity)
- automatic indexing language model: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing of image texts.
- automatic indexing views of Pérez-López (Kathleen Golitko): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing of language texts versus image texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); versus other non-language texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); versus sound texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing of words
- automatic indexing phrases
- automatic indexing positive vocabulary control: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing probabilistic model: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing recommended resources: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing relevance feedback
- automatic indexing role in high-precision IR: (reference: Exhaustivity); in high-recall IR: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- automatic indexing role in information retrieval
- automatic indexing role of human searching behavior: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing see-also references for equivalent terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- automatic indexing stemming
- automatic indexing surrogates. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- automatic indexing theoretical models: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing treatment of apostrophes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of full stops: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of hyphens: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of lower-case letters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of numbers: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of parentheses: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of punctuation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of single characters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of slashes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of underscores: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); upper-case letters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing vector-space model: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing versus human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing allocation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing cost-benefit analysis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing evidence from use: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing research
- automatic indexing results: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing user preferences: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing versus human searching: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing vocabulary management
- automatic term weighting: (reference: Syntax)
- automatic stemming
- automatic stemming user options: (reference: Syntax)
- automatic vocabulary management
- automatic vocabulary management examples. Associative Interactive Dictionary: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic vocabulary management impact: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- back-of-the-book indexes. see: book indexes
- Baker (Nicholson) views on card catalogs: (reference: Display Media)
- Balnaves (John) views on specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- Bates (Marcia J.)
- Bates (Marcia J.) views on documentary domain: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- Bates (Marcia J.) views on IR database design : .
- Bates (Marcia J.) views on role of human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Bates (Marcia J.) views on variability of vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Beghtol (Clare)
- Belkin (Nicholas J.)
- Belkin (Nicholas J.) views on anomalous states of knowledge: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- best match syntax
- best match syntax language model: (reference: Syntax)
- best match syntax probabilistic model: (reference: Syntax)
- best match syntax ranking: (reference: Syntax)
- best match syntax vector space model: (reference: Syntax)
- beta testing
- of IR databases: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- biases
- as non-topical features: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- as searchable features: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- in documentary scope: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- Bible verses
- bibliographic citations
- standard for style : .
- bibliographic coupling
- and co-citation as basis for indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- compared to co-citation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- definition: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- bibliographic records
- versus metadata: (reference: Record Format)
- bibliography
- definition
- Bliss bibliographic classification
- citation order of facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- facets applied to Library of Congress subject headings: .
- book indexes
- ad hoc string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- alphanumeric arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- alternative levels of exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- analysis methods
- application of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- display in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- documentary domain
- documentary scope
- documentary units
- locators for, in index entries: (reference: Search Interface)
- in electronic media: (reference: Documentary Units)
- double posting for equivalent or synonymous terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- equivalent-term cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management); for narrower terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management); for synonymous terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- exhaustivity of indexing; for automatic indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity); for human indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- fields in record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- in electronic media. interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- in print media. interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- indexable matter
- interface designs
- locators: (reference: Syntax), sec. .
- media
- multimedia: (reference: Display Media)
- permuted index headings versus cross references: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- run-in layout versus indented layout: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- see-also references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- size
- estimation: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- estimation. accuracy: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- estimation. problems: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- estimation as guideline for indexing: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- reduction: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- specificity of index terms; of index terms assigned by automatic indexing: (reference: Specifity); of index terms assigned by human indexing: (reference: Specifity)
- subject scope analysis
- surrogates
- display
- syntax
- use of NEPHIS: (reference: Syntax)
- users: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- vocabulary: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- integration: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Book Item and Component Identifier (BICI): (reference: Locators)
- book numbers
- in call numbers: (reference: Locators)
- views of Comaromi (John P.): (reference: Locators)
- views of Lehnus (Donald J.): (reference: Locators)
- books
- as media for IR databases
- advantages: (reference: Display Media)
- displayed indexes and non-displayed indexes
- in electronic media.
- arrangement of displayed indexes: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- as hypertext: (reference: Documentary Units)
- full-text searching. syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- full texts. display
- indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- indexes. browsing: (reference: Locators); locators: (reference: Locators); postings: (reference: Locators)
- intermediate surrogates: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- topic sentences as intermediate surrogates: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- indexes for: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- IR databases for
- MARC formats for. examples: (reference: Record Format)
- printed.
- indexes. size: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- relational classified displays: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- unified surrogates: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- versus monographs: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- boolean searches
- on optical coincidence (peek-a-boo) retrieval systems: (reference: Display Media)
- boolean syntax. see: exact match syntax
- Booth (A. D.)
- article. Zipfian distributions of words: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- bound terms
- definition: (reference: Types of IR Databases)
- impact on size of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in end-user thesauri
- information science as example
- views of standards for thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- braille media
- for IR databases
- British standards
- on methods for analysis in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- broader terms
- BT as notation for: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- broader-term cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- browsability
- among variables in IR research: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- browsable alphanumeric indexes
- display. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- browsable displays. see: display
- browsable facets
- browsable indexes
- for end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- browsing
- alphabetical. using Library of Congress subject headings: .
- and navigation: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- definition: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- literature reviews: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- of full texts in digital media
- of indexes for electronic books: (reference: Locators)
- research in IR
- role in IR: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- role of classification captions: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); of phrases: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus searching using Medical subject headings: (reference: Syntax)
- views of Chang (Shan-Ju) and Rice, (Ronald E.): (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes); of Marchionini (Gary): (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- BT
- as notation for broader terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- business
- ontologies: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- call numbers
- book numbers in: (reference: Locators)
- classification notation: (reference: Locators)
- in libraries: (reference: Locators)
- examples: (reference: Locators)
- local nature: (reference: Locators)
- work marks in: (reference: Locators)
- card catalogs
- views of Baker (Nicholson): (reference: Display Media)
- card files
- as medium for IR databases
- disadvantages: (reference: Display Media)
- cataloging
- and classification. guidelines for analysis at Rutgers University: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- and indexing by document creators: (reference: Record Format)
- history
- principles. role.
- views of Cutter (Charles Ammi): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- catalogs
- library.
- absence of cross references: (reference: Syntax)
- categories
- expression in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- generic. role in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- in ontologies.
- views of Poli (Roberto): (reference: Vocabulary Management); of Sowa (John): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in ontologies versus thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in thesauri.
- definition: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- not mutually exclusive: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- size: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- number in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- of entities in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- of operations and processes in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- postings for, versus postings for descriptors: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- specialized. role in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); in subject scope analysis; in subject scope for folklore, language, linguistics: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); in subject scope for literature: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- categorization
- initial. of terms for thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- of long arrays of index headings using facets: (reference: Syntax)
- of terms for end-user thesauri
- censorship
- versus guidance in indexing
- versus measures of use: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- chain indexes
- creation from classified arrangements: (reference: Syntax)
- chain syntax.
- definition: (reference: Syntax)
- Chan (Lois Mai)
- views on faceted syntax for Library of Congress subject headings: .; on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Chang (Shan-Ju)
- and Rice, (Ronald E.). views on browsing: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- channels
- for document transmission. world-wide web: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for IR database transmission. world-wide web
- chaos
- and creativity versus stability in IR database design
- checktags
- use in subject analysis and indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- chemical symbols
- role in index terms
- Chicago manual of style
- Chinese language
- choreographers
- Chowdhury (Gobinda G.)
- views on information retrieval : .
- chronological subdivisions
- in Library of Congress subject headings:
- citation indexes
- to newer documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- citation links
- to older documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- citation order
- of facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- role facets versus type facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of facets for relational classified displays in print media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for shelf arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in Bliss bibliographic classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- citations
- and systematic syntax. combination: (reference: Syntax)
- reference. as basis for indexing
- civilization
- role of information retrieval
- clarity
- of index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- of rotated term syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- classification
- related terms to consider: faceted classification; enumerative classification; relational classified displays
- alphanumeric indexes for: (reference: Syntax)
- and cataloging. guidelines for analysis at Rutgers University: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- arrangement. versus alphanumeric indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- arrangement of headings within facets: (reference: Syntax)
- captions. definitions: (reference: IR Databases); role in browsing: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); versus index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- chain indexes for: (reference: Syntax)
- definition: (reference: Types of IR Databases),
- display: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in hypertext: (reference: Syntax); postings: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); role of notation: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); on the world-wide web: (reference: Syntax); versus alphanumeric display: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- faceted. for MLA international bibliography: .
- facets for. determination: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- facets of literature: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- hierarchical arrangement: (reference: Syntax)
- MARC format for: (reference: Record Format)
- notation: (reference: Syntax), ; types: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); and captions: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in call numbers: (reference: Locators); in Unesco thesaurus (): .
- of library and information science.
- retroactive notation: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of literature: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- research: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- role in searching: (reference: Syntax)
- role of facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- traditional: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); advantages: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- versus indexing: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- Classification Research SIG
- of American Society for Information Science and Technology: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- classing
- clique clusters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- clump clusters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic. techniques: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); thresholds: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- by document similarity: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- dynamic: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- in automatic indexing
- of terms for end-user thesauri; for vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management); research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- scatter-gather techniques: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- static: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- use in searches in indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- clusters
- clique: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- clump: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- criteria for: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role in searching: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- star: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- string: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- types: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- co-author
- Pérez-Carballo (José) : .
- co-citation
- and bibliographic coupling as basis for indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- compared to bibliographic coupling: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for identification of research fronts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- co-occurrence
- frequency. for ranking of related terms: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of terms. identification of related terms: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- co-occurrence lists
- and thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- codes
- and symbols. nature for texts: (reference: Display Media); varieties for texts: (reference: Display Media); for IR databases
- for composition of texts: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for representation of machine-readable texts: (reference: Documentary Scope); of word-processing texts: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- coextensive index headings, subject headings
- in string syntax: (reference: Syntax); principles: (reference: Syntax)
- using faceted syntax for Library of Congress subject headings: .
- coextensive subject headings principle
- for subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- cognition
- versus culture in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus social construction in human indexing
- cognitive abilities
- and visualization. views of Allen (Bryce L.): (reference: Search Interface)
- impact on visualization: (reference: Search Interface)
- cognitive processes
- in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- collections
- of documents. IR databases for; documentary scope descriptions: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- of documents and anthologies.
- of documents as impetus for design : pt.
- collocation
- adequacy in natural language syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- in faceted syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- in KWIC indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- in rotated term syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- of minor concepts by generic terms: (reference: Specifity)
- Comaromi (John P.)
- views on book numbers: (reference: Locators)
- Common Information System (CIS): (reference: Locators)
- complex phenomena
- in subject scope analysis.
- insurance as example: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- complex terms
- composers
- Compositeur, Auteur, Editeur (CAE): (reference: Locators)
- compound terms. see: bound terms
- comprehensive searches
- in indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax); in print media: (reference: Syntax)
- computer-aided indexing
- for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- computer algorithmic analysis
- of texts for indexing. see: automatic indexing
- computer-output microfilm
- as medium for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- computer programs
- for construction of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- computer representation
- internal. not addressed in this book
- computer screens
- size: (reference: Search Interface)
- computer software
- concepts
- as abstract entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- conceptual levels
- in ontologies: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- concrete entities
- versus abstract entities in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- concrete entities and events
- databases for. exclusion from scope of this book
- databases for versus IR databases,
- indexing. compared to indexing of messages
- concrete entity and event databases
- definitions
- versus IR databases: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- concrete events
- consistency principle
- in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- constituent materials
- in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- content
- of IR databases.
- separation from search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- continuing and integrating resources
- as non-topical features; as searchable features
- controlled vocabularies
- mapping of search terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- multiple. interaction: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus un-controlled vocabularies for indexing: (reference: Specifity)
- controversial documents
- discovery: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- controversies
- in information retrieval
- Cooper (William S.)
- rules for human indexing. views of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- views on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on variables in IR research: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- corporate bodies
- as authors: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- cost-benefit analysis
- of electronic media versus paper: (reference: Display Media)
- of human indexing versus automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of identification of phrases in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- coverage
- of documentary domain
- impact of documentary domain: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- Craven (Timothy)
- related term to consider: NEPHIS (Nested Phrase Indexing System) (created by Timothy Craven)
- views on purpose of precoordinate syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- creativity
- and chaos versus stability in IR database design
- criteria
- for allocation of human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for assignment of index terms: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- for clusters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for index entries
- for indexing languages: (reference: Syntax)
- for precoordinate indexing languages: (reference: Syntax)
- of evaluation for natural language syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- critical works
- versus artistic works. subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- cross references
- absence from library catalogs: (reference: Syntax)
- explanatory: (reference: Syntax)
- from equivalent-terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management); in Library of Congress subject headings: .; UF as instruction for creation: (reference: Vocabulary Management); in OPACs; form: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- general. in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- in ad hoc syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- in hypertext: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in library catalogs: (reference: Vocabulary Management); OPACs: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- omission. impact: (reference: Vocabulary Management); from OPACs: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- placement. examples: (reference: Syntax); in ad hoc syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- postings data: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- syntactic
- necessity: (reference: Syntax)
- to broader terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management); in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- to narrower terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management); in Library of Congress subject headings: .; versus specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- to related terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management); in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- types: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- user suggested: (reference: Syntax)
- versus permuted index headings in book indexes: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- cultural domains: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- cultural factors
- in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- in human indexing versus automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- culture
- versus cognition in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- customization
- of interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- views of Head (Alison J.): (reference: Search Interface)
- Cutter (Charles Ammi)
- development of cutter numbers: (reference: Locators)
- views on role of principles in cataloging: (reference: Vocabulary Management); on specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- cutter numbers
- development by Cutter (Charles Ammi): (reference: Locators)
- data
- definition: (reference: Standards)
- versus information: (reference: Types of IR Databases); knowledge: (reference: Types of IR Databases)
- views of Korfhage (Robert R.): (reference: Standards)
- data mining
- role of surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- database management systems
- database records
- databases
- compared to libraries to: (reference: Standards)
- facets.
- arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for concrete entities and events. exclusion from scope of this book; versus IR databases,
- hybrid. IR databases
- models. flat file databases; hypertext databases; object-oriented databases; relational databases
- origin as term: (reference: Terminology)
- two basic types
- types
- dates (time)
- datum, data
- definition: (reference: Terminology)
- decision making
- with numerical values in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- decision theory
- role in rules for human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- decision trees
- for Library of Congress subject headings: .
- decoration
- in search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- descriptive cataloging
- rules for institutions versus societies: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- descriptive indexing
- descriptors
- definition: (reference: IR Databases)
- descriptor postings versus category postings: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- design
- impetus : pt.; role of collections of documents : pt.
- of indexes. technical report : .
- of IR databases: (reference: IR Databases)
- of non-displayed indexes
- of record formats. principles: (reference: Record Format)
- precursors to : pt.
- design decisions : chap. pt; sequence : pt.
- design features
- for display of browsable alphanumeric indexes: (reference: Search Interface); of browsable facets: (reference: Search Interface); of electronic search results: (reference: Search Interface); of vocabulary information for electronic searches: (reference: Search Interface)
- for electronic searches: (reference: Search Interface)
- for opening screens for IR databases: (reference: Search Interface)
- for surrogate displays: (reference: Search Interface)
- design options
- for IR databases. impact of media: (reference: Display Media)
- interaction : pt.
- design specifications
- Dewey decimal classification
- display in hypertext
- syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- Diener (Richard)
- diesel engines
- facets for. by Ranganathan (Shiyali Ramamrita): (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- indexing. rules. of Ranganathan: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- digital communication format
- MARC format: (reference: Record Format)
- digital libraries
- as examples of IR databases
- displayed indexes. arrangement
- displayed indexes versus non-displayed indexes
- exhaustivity of indexing
- hypertext links: (reference: Syntax)
- indexes. size
- interface design
- locators
- methods of analysis
- natural language syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- search options: (reference: Syntax)
- software for: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- specificity of index terms
- TEI: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- digital media
- full texts. browsing; display: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- encoding schemas (HTML as example: (reference: Full-Text Display)); size of documentary units: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- Digital Object Identifier (DOI): (reference: Locators)
- components: (reference: Locators)
- resolution: (reference: Locators)
- digital resources
- locators: (reference: Locators)
- discovery
- of controversial documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- formatted. of surrogates: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- media. of IR databases : chap.
- of alphanumeric indexes in printed books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of ASIS thesaurus: .
- of book indexes in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- of browsable alphanumeric indexes. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- of browsable facets. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- of classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); postings data: .; role of notation: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in hypertext: (reference: Syntax)
- of Dewey decimal classification in hypertext
- of electronic search results. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- of end-user thesauri
- of faceted classification; in print media
- of faceted index headings: (reference: Syntax); for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax)
- of full surrogates: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- of full texts : chap. ; examples; options: (reference: Full-Text Display); in digital libraries; in digital media: (reference: Full-Text Display); in electronic books; in electronic encyclopedias; in electronic indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Full-Text Display); in indexing and abstracting services
- of index headings in hypertext media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of indexes. standards: (reference: Search Interface)
- of Library of Congress subject headings: ; views of American Library Association: (reference: Syntax); of Drabenstott and Vizine-Goetz: (reference: Syntax)
- of MARC records: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- of multiple hierarchical levels in Unesco thesaurus (): .
- of original formats of full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- of relational syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- of results for electronic searches: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of string indexing in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of subject headings in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in online public access catalogs
- of surrogates : chap. ; examples; format options: (reference: Surrogate Displays); general options: (reference: Surrogate Displays); order of fields: (reference: Surrogate Displays); research: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- of surrogates based on automatic indexing: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- of surrogates for author searches in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- of surrogates for indexing and abstracting services;
- of surrogates for subject searches in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- of surrogates in book indexes; in digital libraries; in electronic books: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in electronic encyclopedias; in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in libraries: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in printed books: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in tables of contents: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- of term relationships in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- of thesauri for searching: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- work of Pollitt (A. Steven, et al.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- of vocabulary information for electronic searches. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- staged. of alphanumeric indexes in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); of faceted index headings in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); of index headings in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); of surrogates in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); of surrogates in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- versus content of surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- displayed indexes
- advantages: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- alphanumeric. syndetic structure
- and non-displayed indexes. differences: (reference: Syntax); examples; for books; in indexing and abstracting services
- arrangement : chap. ; examples of policies; options: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for digital libraries; for electronic books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for electronic encyclopedias; for indexing and abstracting services
- based on automatic indexing in indexing and abstracting services in print media: (reference: Syntax)
- challenges: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- characteristics: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- disadvantages: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- faceted relational classified. dynamic postings: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in print media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- history: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- in electronic media; presentation of see-also references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in print media. type size: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- index headings. merging: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- postings. for electronic books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- psychological advantages: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- purpose: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax)
- relational classified arrangement
- scope notes: (reference: Syntax)
- size : chap. , sec. .
- versus non-displayed indexes : chap. ; calculation of exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity); syntax: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes); in digital libraries; in encyclopedias
- vocabulary management: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- distributions
- of words in texts
- Zipf’s law: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- document creators
- cataloging and indexing by: (reference: Record Format)
- document descriptions
- fields for. in record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- document numbers
- document retrieval
- versus information retrieval: (reference: Documentary Units)
- document similarity
- as basis for clustering: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- document titles
- as basis for index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- document transmission
- channels. world-wide web: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- document weights
- calculation for relevance prediction: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- descriptions. role: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- for book indexes
- for digital libraries
- for full-text encyclopedias
- for indexing and abstracting services
- for IR databases : chap.
- impact on coverage of IR databases: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- monitoring
- views of Bates (Marcia J.): (reference: Documentary Domain); of Wilson (Patrick): (reference: Documentary Domain)
- documentary features
- role in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- documentary scope : chap.
- and subject scope. relation to rules for human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- based on specific documents
- biases: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- descriptions. for IR databases for collections of documents: (reference: Documentary Scope); for IR databases for single documents: (reference: Documentary Scope); importance for IR database producers: (reference: Documentary Scope); importance for users: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for indexing and abstracting services; audience: (reference: Documentary Scope); authorship: (reference: Documentary Scope); document titles: (reference: Documentary Scope); formats: (reference: Documentary Scope); language: (reference: Documentary Scope); levels of treatment: (reference: Documentary Scope); media: (reference: Documentary Scope); methodological approaches: (reference: Documentary Scope); periodicity: (reference: Documentary Scope); place of publication: (reference: Documentary Scope); points of view: (reference: Documentary Scope); qualitative criteria: (reference: Documentary Scope); searchable features: (reference: Documentary Scope); specific documents: (reference: Documentary Scope); time of publication: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- objective qualitative criteria: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- points of view: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- qualitative criteria
- versus subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain), ; methodological approaches: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); role of author processes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- documentary units : chap.
- and links in full texts in HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- as units of analysis: (reference: Documentary Units)
- examples, sec. .
- features. facets: (reference: Syntax)
- for automatic indexing: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for book indexes; in electronic media: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for collections of documents and anthologies: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for full-text searching: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for high-use documents in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for hypertext: (reference: Documentary Units); on world-wide web: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for mixed-text documents: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- for music: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for video recordings and motion pictures: (reference: Documentary Units)
- in book indexes. locators in index entries: (reference: Search Interface)
- in library catalogs: (reference: Documentary Units)
- multiple; in full-text IR databases: (reference: Documentary Units)
- pages versus paragraphs: (reference: Documentary Units)
- paragraphs: (reference: Documentary Units); advantages: (reference: Documentary Units); NISO recommendation: (reference: Documentary Units); for electronic texts: (reference: Documentary Units)
- relationship to exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- role in IR databases: (reference: Documentary Units)
- size: (reference: Documentary Units); among variables in IR research : impact on indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter); relationship to exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity); .; in full texts in digital media: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- small. IR databases for
- smaller. advantages: (reference: Documentary Units)
- smaller. in full-text IR databases: (reference: Documentary Units); in reference IR databases: (reference: Documentary Units)
- text sections: (reference: Documentary Units)
- types and sizes
- versus abstracts: (reference: Documentary Units)
- versus surrogates; in reference IR databases: (reference: Documentary Units)
- documentation
- documents
- analysis and indexing. methods : chap.
- collections. as impetus for design : pt.; IR databases for; documentary scope descriptions: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- collections and anthologies. documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- complete. IR databases for; versus parts of documents: (reference: Documentary Units)
- high-use. documentary units in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Documentary Units); full texts as indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter); indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- important. allocation of human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); exhaustivity of automatic indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity); exhaustivity of human indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- indexes to documents as topics
- inequality: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- mixed-text. documentary units: (reference: Indexable Matter); indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- proximity to IR databases
- routine. exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- selection for IR databases. principles: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- types
- useful. selection by advisory groups and indexing staff: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); use of human indexing for identification: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- domain. see: documentary domain; subject domain
- domain analysis
- as basis for rules for human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- functions: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- role in information understanding: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- double posting
- for equivalent and synonymous terms in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Drabenstott (Karen Markey); Vizine-Goetz (Diane)
- Dublin Core
- as metadata. role in surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- core elements: (reference: Record Format); formats versus media: (reference: Documentary Scope); qualifiers for
- metadata records. examples; by Joseph (Michael): (reference: Record Format)
- purpose: (reference: Record Format)
- record formats for internal metadata
- websites: (reference: Record Format); metadata: (reference: Record Format)
- dynamic clustering: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- economic aspects
- of indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- editors
- electronic books
- hypertext indexes: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- indexes. browsing: (reference: Locators); locators: (reference: Locators); postings: (reference: Locators); vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- non-displayed indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- postings in displayed indexes: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- electronic encyclopedias
- arrangement of displayed indexes
- surrogates; display
- electronic indexing and abstracting services
- full texts. display: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- electronic interfaces. see: search interfaces
- electronic IR databases
- search interfaces; problems and opportunities: (reference: Search Interface)
- electronic media
- as standard for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- book indexes. interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- books. as hypertext: (reference: Documentary Units); full-text searching. syntax: (reference: Syntax); indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- display of book indexes: (reference: Syntax); of surrogates for author searches: (reference: Surrogate Displays); of surrogates for subject searches: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- displayed indexes; presentation of see-also references: (reference: Vocabulary Management); for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- documentary units for book indexes: (reference: Documentary Units)
- indexing and abstracting services. comprehensive searches: (reference: Syntax); interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); locators: (reference: Locators); postings: (reference: Locators); targeted searches: (reference: Syntax); use of clustering in searches: (reference: Syntax); use of proximity requirements in searches: (reference: Syntax); use of truncation in searches: (reference: Syntax); vocabulary management for non-displayed indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- IR databases ; interfaces
- non-displayed index searching: (reference: Display Media)
- reading versus searching: (reference: Display Media)
- surrogates. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays); staged display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- types for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- unit of manipulation: (reference: Display Media)
- versus paper. cost: (reference: Display Media); for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- electronic search results
- electronic searches
- bypassing vocabulary management: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- design features: (reference: Search Interface)
- display of results: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- display of vocabulary information. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- electronic texts
- paragraphs as documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- eliminability principle
- in string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- EMTREE thesaurus
- encoding schemas (for digital texts)
- related terms to consider: HTML; SGML; TEI; XML
- for full texts in digital media; HTML as example: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- encyclopedias
- electronic. see: electronic encyclopedias
- full-text. as examples of IR databases; documentary domain; documentary scope; documentary units; indexable matter; media; methods of analysis; subject scope analysis;
- end-user thesauri
- browsable indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- categories of entities: (reference: Vocabulary Management); of operations and processes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- clustering of terms
- compilation; procedures: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- equivalent terms; versus variant terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- examples: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- experimental research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- facets: (reference: Vocabulary Management); primary facets: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- gathering terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management); choice: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- lead-in terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- phrases from full text: (reference: Vocabulary Management); identification: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- relational classified displays: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- search options: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- searching: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- stop list terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- term records: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- terms. categorization; from texts. selection: (reference: Vocabulary Management); indexers as source: (reference: Vocabulary Management); search statements as source: (reference: Vocabulary Management); selection; sorting: (reference: Vocabulary Management); sources; users as source. views of Landauer (Thomas K.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- used for terms versus equivalent terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- variant forms
- versus indexing thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management); differences: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- entities
- related term to consider: abstract entities
- and actions. combination in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- categories in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); examples: .
- messages and texts as entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- parts of. in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- entries see: index entries
- entry arrays see: index entry arrays
- enumerative classification
- use in indexing and abstracting services in print media: (reference: Search Interface)
- versus faceted classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- equivalence relationships
- equivalent-term cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for equivalent terms in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for narrower terms in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for synonymous terms in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in OPACs. form: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- terminology: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- UF as instruction for creation: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- equivalent terms
- and synonymous terms. vocabulary management: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- cross references in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- double posting in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- see-also references in automatic indexing: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus used for terms in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management); variant terms in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- essentialism
- versus social constructionism in gender studies: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Eurovoc thesaurus: .
- microthesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- evaluation
- and testing of IR database designs: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation);
- and testing of IR databases : chap. ; failure analysis: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); measurement: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); outside scope of book: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); readings: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- criteria for natural language syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- of importance. expert judgment versus use: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of KWIC index syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- of library performance: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- events
- in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain);examples: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- exact match syntax; .
- absence of ranking: (reference: Syntax)
- disadvantages: (reference: Syntax)
- history: (reference: Syntax)
- impact: (reference: Syntax)
- narrowing of searches: (reference: Syntax)
- syntactic operators: (reference: Syntax); meaning: (reference: Syntax)
- actions in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- ad hoc string syntax. index headings: (reference: Syntax); index statements for: (reference: Syntax)
- ad hoc syntax: (reference: Syntax); and systematic syntax in Psychological abstracts: .
- alphanumeric displays in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- arrangement of displayed indexes. policies
- attributes in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- automatic vocabulary management. Associative Interactive Dictionary: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- best match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- call numbers in libraries: (reference: Locators)
- chain indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- cross references. placement: (reference: Syntax)
- display of browsable alphanumeric indexes: (reference: Search Interface); of browsable facets: (reference: Search Interface); of electronic search results: (reference: Search Interface); of full texts; of surrogates; of vocabulary information for electronic searches: (reference: Search Interface)
- displayed indexes. arrangement. policies
- documentary units, sec. .
- end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- entities in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- events in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- exact match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- expert systems for subject analysis and indexing. MedIndEx: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- faceted index headings from Modern Language Association: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted syntax: (reference: Syntax); for Library of Congress subject headings: .; in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax)
- high exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- IR database design
- IR databases. digital libraries; full-text encyclopedias; indexing and abstracting services; monographs
- KWAC indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- KWIC indexes: (reference: Syntax); in indexing and abstracting services in print media: (reference: Syntax)
- KWOC indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- low exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- MARC formats for books: (reference: Record Format); for name authorities: (reference: Record Format)
- media for IR databases
- metadata records using Dublin Core
- NEPHIS coding: (reference: Syntax)
- NEPHIS index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- notation in Universal decimal classification: .
- opening screens for IR databases: (reference: Search Interface); for electronic searches: (reference: Search Interface)
- permuted syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- places in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- policies for arrangement of displayed indexes
- Publisher Item Identifier (PII): (reference: Locators)
- search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- Serial Item & Contribution Identifier (SICI): (reference: Locators)
- specificity, sec. .
- surrogate displays: (reference: Search Interface)
- syntactic cross references: (reference: Syntax)
- syntax; impact on precision: (reference: Syntax)
- text encoding schemas: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- time in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- exhaustivity : chap.
- alternative levels for book indexes: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- calculation; terms versus headings: (reference: Exhaustivity); in displayed indexes versus non-displayed indexes: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- definition: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- for indexing for encyclopedias
- for routine documents: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- high exhaustivity. advantages: (reference: Exhaustivity); examples: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- impact on indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter); on recall and precision
- interactions with specificity and vocabulary management: (reference: Specifity)
- low exhaustivity. advantages: (reference: Exhaustivity); examples: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- of automatic indexing for important documents: (reference: Exhaustivity); in book indexes: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- of human indexing for important documents: (reference: Exhaustivity); in book indexes: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- range: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- relationship to documentary units: (reference: Exhaustivity) to size of documentary units: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- versus specificity
- experimental research
- on end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- expert judgment
- application to world-wide web and internet: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- in indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus use in evaluation of importance: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus user preferences in IR database design: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- expert systems
- for subject analysis and indexing. examples. MedIndEx: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- expert users
- versus novice users
- experts
- importance of non-topical features for: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus novices.
- interfaces. views of Raskin (Jef): (reference: Search Interface)
- exploration searches: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- extraction
- of index terms; and assignment of index terms. combination
- facet analysis
- avoiding meaningless categories: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- by reference librarians: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- role of Ranganathan (Shiyali Ramamrita)
- facet arrangement. see: facet order
- facet indicators
- in Universal decimal classification: .
- facet order
- in faceted classification. flexibility: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- in Modern Language Association classification: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted classification
- construction
- display; in print media
- dynamic postings: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- facet order.
- flexibility: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of MLA international bibliography: .
- versus enumerative classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- versus traditional classification for hypertext displays: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- faceted index headings
- display: (reference: Syntax)
- examples from Modern Language Association: (reference: Syntax)
- for indexing and abstracting services. display: (reference: Syntax); format: (reference: Syntax); generation: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted syntax
- collocation: (reference: Syntax)
- compared to ad hoc string syntax: (reference: Syntax); to rotated term syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- facet indicators: (reference: Syntax)
- for Library of Congress subject headings; coextensive index headings: (reference: Syntax); examples: (reference: Syntax); testing: (reference: Syntax); views of Chan (Lois Mai): (reference: Syntax)
- in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax); examples: (reference: Syntax); indexing worksheet: (reference: Syntax)
- in specialized domains: (reference: Syntax)
- PRECIS: (reference: Syntax)
- role definers: (reference: Syntax)
- role indicators: (reference: Syntax)
- facets
- acronyms for. PMEST: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- and hierarchical relationships: (reference: Specifity)
- antecedents: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- arrangement. views of Ranganathan (Shiyali Ramamrita): (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); by other facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); classified. within facet: (reference: Syntax); of topics: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- browsable display. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- categorization of multiple index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- citation order: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); role facets versus type facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for relational classified displays in print media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for shelf arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in Bliss bibliographic classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- definition: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- for classification. determination: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for classification of literature: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for databases. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for document collections. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for ethnicities. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for features of documentary units: (reference: Syntax)
- for Germanic languages. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for groups. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for Indo-European languages. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for institutions. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for language families. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for languages. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for library and information science: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); special interest groups as sources: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for literature. fields in record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- for persons. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for places. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- fundamental: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- in ASIS thesaurus: .
- in EMTREE thesaurus: .
- of Bliss bibliographic classification applied to Library of Congress subject headings: .
- of Ranganathan (Shiyali Ramamrita) for diesel engines: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- primary. for end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- role in classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- tests for membership: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus topical groupings in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus topics. number: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- failure analysis
- in testing and evaluation of IR databases: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- Fairthorne (Robert)
- Farradane (Jason)
- views on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); views on relational indexing: (reference: Syntax); views on term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- features
- non-topical. identification in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); versus topics (clear distinctions: (reference: Documentary Scope))
- of documentary units. facets: (reference: Syntax)
- role as topics: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus topics: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); distinguishing: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); role of methodological approaches: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); on opening screens: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- feedback
- in searching: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- fiction
- fictitious entities
- field research
- on use of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- field tags
- for term records: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- fields
- in MARC formats: (reference: Record Format)
- in record formats for book indexes: (reference: Record Format); for facets of literature: (reference: Record Format)
- order in display of surrogates: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- film media
- filtering
- relevance feedback: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- first lines
- fish-eye menu displays: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- flat file databases
- as models for databases
- folklore
- specialized categories in subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- form subdivisions
- versus topical subdivisions. confusion in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- formats
- as non-topical features
- as searchable features
- for faceted index headings for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax)
- for KWIC indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- for language texts: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for music: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- presentation. media formats: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- presentation. physical formats: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- terminology: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus media in Dublin Core metadata: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- Foskett (A. C.)
- frame-based structures
- in indexing: (reference: Syntax)
- free-text terms
- frequency
- inverse document. of words: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of co-occurrence.
- ranking of related terms: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of words. in automatic indexing; in collections; impact of stemming: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); use in ranking of texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- frequent users
- versus new users
- Frohmann (Bernd)
- views on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on rules for human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on rules for human indexing of Cooper (William S.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on social context of human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Fugmann (Robert)
- full stops (dots, periods)
- full-text databases see: full-text IR databases
- full-text encyclopedias
- full-text IR databases
- multiple documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- smaller documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- full-text searching
- of books in electronic media. syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- full-text sources
- variability of vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- full texts
- access: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- analysis. views of Harper (David et al.): (reference: Full-Text Display); views of Hearst (Marti): (reference: Full-Text Display); for passage retrieval: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- as indexable matter; for high-use documents: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- display : chap. ; examples; options: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- encoding with TEI: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- in digital libraries. display
- in digital media. browsing; display: (reference: Full-Text Display); encoding schemas (HTML as example: (reference: Full-Text Display)); size of documentary units: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- in electronic books. display
- in electronic encyclopedias. display
- in electronic indexing and abstracting services. display: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- in indexing and abstracting services. display
- links and documentary units in HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- original formats. display: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- searches in HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- Furnas (George W. et al.)
- gedanken experimentation
- gender
- social construction: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- gender studies
- essentialism versus social constructionism: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- generic categories
- role in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- generic posting
- and up-posting versus specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- generic terms
- collocation of minor concepts: (reference: Specifity)
- genres
- of music: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus styles in music: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- geographic subdivisions
- geographical information systems
- Germanic languages
- facets. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- Green (Rebecca)
- views on syntagmatic relationships in indexing
- Greene (Stephan et al.)
- views on purpose of surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- guidance
- versus censorship in indexing
- guidelines
- for ad hoc syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- for analysis in cataloging and classification at Rutgers University: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for indexing. subjective nature: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- views of Hjørland (Birger): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- for surrogates
- hardware
- Harper (David et al.)
- views on analysis of full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- Head (Alison J.)
- views on customization of interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- headings see: index headings; subject headings
- Hearst (Marti A.)
- views on search interfaces and visualization: (reference: Search Interface); on analysis of full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- hierarchical arrangement
- in classification: (reference: Syntax)
- hierarchical displays
- in thesauri. term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in Unesco thesaurus (): .
- hierarchical levels
- multiple. display in Unesco thesaurus (): .
- hierarchical relationships
- and facets: (reference: Specifity)
- versus associative relationships in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus roles: (reference: Specifity)
- hierarchical specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- Historical abstracts
- record format
- of cataloging
- of displayed indexes: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- of exact match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- of indexing
- of librarianship
- of non-displayed indexes: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- of syntax in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- Hjerppe (Roland)
- views on ontologies versus knowledge organization systems: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Hj�rland (Birger)
- views on guidelines for indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on nature of subjects: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Hockey (Susan)
- views on SGML: (reference: Full-Text Display); on TEI: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- homographs
- in thesauri
- homonymy principle.
- and XML. relationship with SGML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- as example of encoding schemas for full texts in digital media: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- bandwidth needs: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- definition: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- international aspects: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- international standards body: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- links: (reference: Full-Text Display); and documentary units in full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- problems: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- searches of full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- syntax: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- tags: (reference: Full-Text Display),
- versus TEI: (reference: Full-Text Display); XML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- human analysis
- methods for human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- human-computer interaction
- human indexers
- contributions. identification: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role in assessments of authority: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- human indexing
- allocation. criteria: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); to important documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- analysis steps: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- and automatic indexing. combination
- application of views of Wittgenstein (Ludwig): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- as model for automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- cognition versus social construction
- cognitive processes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- compared to automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); incompatibility: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- compared to keywords based on Zipfian distributions: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- consistency: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- culture versus cognition: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- identification of non-topical features: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- index terms. specificity in book indexes: (reference: Specifity)
- methods for analysis. British standards: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); international standards: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- methods of human analysis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- numerical values for decision making: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of image texts. recommended resources: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); rules
- positive attributes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- probabilistic rules
- request-oriented. qualitative judgments: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role. views of Bates (Marcia J.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role in high-precision IR: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- role of documentary features: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of gender: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of specialized categories: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- rules; domain analysis as basis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); limitations: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); relation to subject scope and documentary scope: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); role of decision theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); role of gedanken experimentation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); role of utility theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); views of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- rules of Cooper (William S.). views of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- social context. views of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- specialized rules: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- standards for analysis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- use for identification of useful documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- variability: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); allocation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); cost-benefit analysis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); cultural factors: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); evidence from use: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); research; results: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); user preferences: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- views of Anderson (James D.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Artandi (Susan): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Beghtol (Clare): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Chan (Lois Mai): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Chicago manual of style: .; of Cooper (William S.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Fairthorne (Robert): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Farradane (Jason): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Foskett (A. C.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Fugmann (Robert): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Hj�rland (Birger): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Lancaster (F. W.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Mulvany (Nancy): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of O’Connor (Brian): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Soergel (Dagobert): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Taylor (Arlene): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Wellisch (Hans): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Wilson (Patrick): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- human intellectual analysis
- of texts for indexing
- human searching
- versus automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- human searching behavior
- role in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- hybrid databases
- IR databases
- hypertext
- alphanumeric displays. examples: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); goals: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- automatic conversion of linear text: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- books in electronic media: (reference: Documentary Units)
- constrained: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- conversion of linear text: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- display. of classification: (reference: Syntax); of Dewey decimal classification; of string indexing: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); of subject headings: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units); on world-wide web: (reference: Documentary Units)
- guidelines: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- interactivity: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- relational classified displays. research: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- staged display of alphanumeric indexes: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); of faceted index headings: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); of index headings: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- versus linear text
- hypertext databases
- hypertext displays
- scrolling: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- traditional classification versus faceted classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- visual limitations: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- hypertext indexes
- for electronic books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- hypertext links
- in digital libraries: (reference: Syntax)
- in electronic encyclopedias: (reference: Syntax)
- hypertext locators
- indicators of postings: (reference: Locators)
- hypertext media
- display of index headings: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- hyphens
- icons
- versus words: (reference: Search Interface)
- views of Raskin (Jef): (reference: Search Interface)
- identification
- of phrases in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); cost versus benefits: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of word roots in stemming: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- illustrators
- image texts
- and sound texts. terminology: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic indexing. views of Pérez-López (Kathleen Golitko): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- human indexing. recommended resources: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); rules
- indexing. views of Jorgensen (Corinne): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); by Altavista web search engine: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus language texts. automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); as indexable matter for world-wide websites: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- imaginary entities
- importance
- evaluation. expert judgment versus use: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- important documents
- exhaustivity of automatic indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity); exhaustivity of human indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- inconsistency
- indented layout
- versus run-in layout for book indexes: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- index entries
- locators for documentary units in book indexes: (reference: Search Interface)
- numbers of. determination
- index entry arrays
- presentation
- index headings
- related term to consider: subject headings
- based on document titles: (reference: Syntax); on natural language text: (reference: Syntax)
- clarity: (reference: Syntax)
- coextensive. in string syntax: (reference: Syntax); using faceted syntax for Library of Congress subject headings: .
- compared to search statements. syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- display in hypertext media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- examples based on ad hoc string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted. display: (reference: Syntax); examples from Modern Language Association: (reference: Syntax); staged displa. in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); for indexing and abstracting services (display: (reference: Syntax); format: (reference: Syntax); generation: (reference: Syntax))
- in displayed indexes. merging: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- locators. number of
- multiple. categorization using facets: (reference: Syntax)
- nonsensical. in permuted indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- permuted. versus cross references in book indexes: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- precoordinate.: (reference: Syntax)
- predictability: (reference: Syntax)
- purpose: (reference: Syntax)
- syntax : chap. ; definition: (reference: IR Databases)
- versus classification captions: (reference: Syntax); search statements: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- within facets. classified arrangements: (reference: Syntax)
- index statements
- examples for ad hoc string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- index terms
- assigned by automatic indexing. specificity in book indexes: (reference: Specifity)
- assigned by human indexing. specificity in book indexes: (reference: Specifity)
- assignment; criteria: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- combination. methods; necessity
- extraction and assignment. combination
- postcoordinate combination
- precoordinate combination
- precoordinate combination and postcoordinate combination
- role of chemical symbols; of common words; of mathematical symbols; of musical symbols; of numbers; of proper nouns; of symbols; of words
- selection. methods
- specificity in book indexes; in digital libraries; in encyclopedias; in indexing and abstracting services
- specificity versus scope: (reference: Specifity)
- types of
- indexable matter : chap.
- complete texts versus partial texts: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- economic aspects: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- elimination of types of messages
- extent. among variables in IR research: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for books in electronic media: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- for high-use documents: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- for maps: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- for non-language-based texts: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- for world-wide websites. language-based texts versus image texts: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- full texts for high-use documents: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- impact of exhaustivity of indexing: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- impact of size of documentary units: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- impact on accuracy of indexing
- initial paragraphs
- internal indexes
- lead paragraphs: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- opening screens of world-wide websites
- preliminary matter
- reference citations
- role for world-wide web search engines: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- tables of contents
- titles; adequacy: (reference: Syntax)
- variations: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- varieties
- versus subject scope
- indexers
- and searchers. variability of vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- as source of terms for end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- indexes
- back-of-the-book. see: book indexes
- design. technical report : .
- display. standards: (reference: Search Interface)
- for digital libraries. size
- for electronic books. browsing: (reference: Locators); locators: (reference: Locators); postings: (reference: Locators); vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for electronic encyclopedias. size
- for indexing and abstracting services. size
- for printed books. size: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- internal. as indexable matter
- kinds of objects represented
- repetition of recurring elements: (reference: Search Interface)
- searching. methods
- size. determination: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); estimation: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); impact of syntax: (reference: Syntax); relationship to document size: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- standards. endorsement by American Society for Information Science; impossibility; lack of consensus; objections of American Society of Indexers; opposition; opposition from American Society for Information Science; role of NISO Committee YY :
- stop lists for reducing size: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- syntax as essential attribute: (reference: Syntax)
- to .. see: indexes to .. (separate main heading)
- versus classifications. arrangement: (reference: Syntax)
- versus IR databases
- versus vocabulary lists in non-displayed indexes: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- authors
- institutions
- international standard numbers
- laws
- lexicographers
- novels
- painters
- places
- poems
- publishers
- quotations
- science fiction
- sculptors
- short stories
- subjects
- titles
- topics
- translators
- indexing
- accuracy. impact of indexable matter
- and analysis of messages, texts, documents. methods : chap.
- and cataloging by document creators: (reference: Record Format)
- and subject analysis. expert systems. examples. MedIndEx: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); use of checktags: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- and subject analysis in indexing and abstracting services
- based on abstracts; on bibliographic coupling and co-citation: .; on first lines; on full text; on introductory matter; on lead paragraphs; on reference citations; on tables of contents; on titles
- censorship versus guidance
- computer algorithmic analysis of texts
- controlled vocabularies versus un-controlled vocabularies: (reference: Specifity)
- exhaustive. of authors: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- exhaustivity : chap. ; calculation; definition: (reference: Exhaustivity); examples; for book indexes; for digital libraries; for encyclopedias; for indexing and abstracting services; impact on indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter); impact on recall and precision; versus specificity
- expert judgment: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- frame-based structures: (reference: Syntax)
- guidelines. subjective nature: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); views of Hj�rland (Birger): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- high-threshold of importance. role in high-precision IR: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- human intellectual analysis of texts
- multiple approaches in IR databases: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of concrete entities and events. compared to indexing of messages
- of image texts. views of Jorgensen (Corinne): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of image texts by Altavista web search engine: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of messages; compared to indexing of concrete entities and events
- of proper nouns: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role of machines versus humans: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role of syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- rules for MLA international bibliography: .
- specificity of vocabulary : chap.
- syntagmatic relationships. views of Green (Rebecca)
- versus classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- vocabulary. size. impact of specificity
- indexing and abstracting services
- computer-aided indexing and subject analysis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- contents of surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- displayed indexes. purpose: (reference: Syntax); in electronic media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in print media: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes);
- documentary scope; audience: (reference: Documentary Scope); authorship: (reference: Documentary Scope); document titles: (reference: Documentary Scope); formats: (reference: Documentary Scope); language: (reference: Documentary Scope); levels of treatment: (reference: Documentary Scope); media: (reference: Documentary Scope); methodological approaches: (reference: Documentary Scope); periodicity: (reference: Documentary Scope); place of publication: (reference: Documentary Scope); points of view: (reference: Documentary Scope); qualitative criteria: (reference: Documentary Scope); searchable features: (reference: Documentary Scope); specific documents: (reference: Documentary Scope); time of publication: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- documentary units; for high-use documents: (reference: Documentary Units)
- external locators: (reference: Locators)
- faceted index headings. ; display: (reference: Syntax); format: (reference: Syntax); generation: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted syntax. examples: (reference: Syntax); indexing worksheet: (reference: Syntax)
- for anthropology: (reference: Search Interface)
- for history: (reference: Search Interface)
- for information science: (reference: Search Interface)
- for sociology: (reference: Search Interface)
- in electronic media. comprehensive searches: (reference: Syntax); full texts. display: (reference: Full-Text Display); interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); locators: (reference: Locators); postings: (reference: Locators); targeted searches: (reference: Syntax); use of clustering in searches: (reference: Syntax); use of proximity requirements in searches: (reference: Syntax); use of truncation in searches: (reference: Syntax); vocabulary management for non-displayed indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in print media. comprehensive searches: (reference: Syntax); displayed indexes based on automatic indexing: (reference: Syntax); interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); internal locators: (reference: Locators); KWIC indexes. examples: (reference: Syntax); search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface); use of enumerative classification: (reference: Search Interface); vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- internal locators: (reference: Locators)
- opening screens. subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- record formats .
- selective searches: (reference: Syntax)
- software: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- subject analysis and indexing
- subject scope. presentation: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- surrogates; display; role of keywords: (reference: Surrogates)
- tables of contents: (reference: Search Interface)
- terminology: (reference: Documentary Units)
- indexing languages
- criteria: (reference: Syntax)
- precoordinate. criteria: (reference: Syntax)
- indexing odds-payoff chart: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- indexing processes
- indexing rules
- social construction. application of views of Wittgenstein (Ludwig): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- indexing staff
- and advisory groups. selection of useful documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- indexing systems
- postcoordinate. on paper media: (reference: Display Media)
- indexing theory
- compared to queer theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- indexing thesauri
- versus end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management); differences: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- indexing worksheets
- for faceted syntax in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax)
- Indo-European languages
- inequality
- of documents: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- information
- versus data: (reference: Types of IR Databases)
- visualization: (reference: Search Interface)
- information architects
- role
- information content
- of IR databases. overviews: (reference: Search Interface)
- information needs and desires
- categories: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- information professionals
- responsibility in absence of standards
- information retrieval. see: IR (information retrieval)
- information science
- as example of bound term
- paradigms: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Information science abstracts
- information seeking
- research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- information seeking situations
- continua: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- information understanding
- role of domain analysis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- initialisms
- versus societies in descriptive cataloging: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- insurance
- as example of complex phenomena in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- integrating and continuing resources
- interaction
- among design options : pt.
- in hypertext: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- related term to consider: search interfaces
- for book indexes; in electronic media: (reference: Search Interface); in print media: (reference: Search Interface)
- for electronic encyclopedias
- for indexing and abstracting services; in electronic media: (reference: Search Interface); in print media: (reference: Search Interface)
- guidance. literature about: (reference: Search Interface); taxonomy of: (reference: Search Interface)
- internal locators
- for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Locators)
- internal metadata
- record formats using Dublin Core
- international aspects
- of HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- International Standard AudioVisual Number (ISAN): (reference: Locators)
- International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD): (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- International Standard Music Number (ISMN): (reference: Locators)
- International Standard Recording Code (ISRC): (reference: Locators)
- International Standard Work Code (ISWC): (reference: Locators)
- international standards
- international standards body
- for HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- internet
- and world-wide web. application of expert judgment: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- internet resources
- interoperability
- for metadata schemas: (reference: Record Format); standards: (reference: Record Format)
- vocabulary data. standards: (reference: Record Format)
- introductory matter
- inverse document frequency
- of words: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- inverted files
- as non-displayed indexes: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- IR (information retrieval)
- components of problems
- documentary units as limiting factor: (reference: Documentary Units)
- high-precision. role of automatic indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity); role of high-threshold indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity); role of human indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- high-recall. role of automatic indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- natural laws
- political aspects: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- purposes for diverse users: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role in support of civilization
- role of abstracts: (reference: Documentary Units)
- role of automatic indexing
- role of browsing: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes); research
- role of documentation: (reference: Documentary Units)
- role of relational classified displays: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- versus document retrieval: (reference: Documentary Units)
- views of Chowdhury (Gobinda G.) : .
- wants versus needs: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- chaos and creativity versus stability
- expert judgment versus user preferences: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- fundamental issues : .
- implementation : chap. ; outside scope of book: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- terminology
- testing and evaluation: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- views of Bates (Marcia J.) : .; views of Milstead (Jessica L.) : .
- IR database designers
- IR database features
- omission by IR database vendors: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- IR database producers
- importance of documentary scope descriptions for: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus IR database vendors: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- IR database vendors
- omission of IR database features: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- versus IR database producers: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- alternative names for
- as hybrid databases
- as messages, texts, and documents: (reference: Display Media)
- attributes, pt.; list : pt.
- authorship
- beta testing: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- card files as favored medium: (reference: Display Media)
- CD-ROMs as media
- channels of transmission. world-wide web
- codes and symbols
- components, pt.
- content. separation from search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- coverage. impact of documentary domain: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- defining characteristics: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- definitions :
- design: (reference: IR Databases)
- design options. impact of media: (reference: Display Media)
- documentary domain : chap.
- examples. digital libraries; full-text encyclopedias; indexing and abstracting services; monographs
- for .. see: IR databases for .. (separate main heading)
- full-text. smaller documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- in libraries. software: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- indexing. multiple approaches: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- key entities. messages
- media; examples; for display : chap. ; options: (reference: Display Media); books (advantages: (reference: Display Media)); card files (disadvantages: (reference: Display Media)); computer-output microfilm: (reference: Display Media); electronic media (as current standard: (reference: Display Media); interfaces; types: (reference: Display Media)); microforms, sec. .; paper, sec. . (versus electronic media: (reference: Display Media));
- mental images: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- online access
- opening screens. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- paper. as favored medium: (reference: Display Media); paper formats: (reference: Display Media)
- periodicity
- personal. software: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- primary sources versus secondary sources
- proximity of documents
- qualitative studies: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- reference. documentary units versus surrogates: (reference: Documentary Units); smaller documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- secondary sources: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- selection of documents. principles: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- software
- sound media
- special types. paper as medium: (reference: Display Media)
- subject domains: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- testing and evaluation : chap. ; measurement: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); outside scope of book: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); readings: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- text options: (reference: Display Media)
- versus concrete entity and event databases,
- versus indexes
- collections of documents; documentary scope descriptions: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- complete documents
- machine-readable texts
- maps
- monographs
- motion pictures
- music
- periodicals
- photographic media
- pictures
- poetry
- single documents. documentary scope descriptions: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- slides
- small documentary units
- sound recordings
- videotapes
- IR protocols
- Z. standard: (reference: Record Format)
- IR research
- conflation of variables: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role of users: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- TREC. role of users: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- variables: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); views of Cooper (William S.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); browsability: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); exhaustivity: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); extent of indexable matter: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); size of documentary units: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); specificity: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)a; surrogation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); syntax: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); vocabulary management: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- IR systems
- ISO standards
- for SGML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- Jorgensen (Corinne)
- views on indexing of image texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Joseph (Michael)
- metadata records using Dublin Core: (reference: Record Format)
- judges
- of relevance
- key entities
- for IR databases. messages
- keyword indexes
- keyword searches
- keywords
- based on Zipfian distributions. compared to human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- identification based on transition points in Zipfian distributions: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- role in surrogates in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Surrogates)
- knowledge
- anomalous states. views of Belkin (Nicholas J.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- knowledge discovery
- knowledge organization
- treatment by activity theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- knowledge organization systems
- versus ontologies. views of Hjerppe (Roland): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- known items
- searches with known vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management); with unknown vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Korfhage (Robert R.)
- views on data, information, knowledge, wisdom: (reference: Standards)
- Kuhr (Pat)
- and Michel (Dee). compilation of term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- KWAC indexes
- example: (reference: Syntax)
- phrases: (reference: Syntax)
- word pairs: (reference: Syntax)
- KWIC indexes
- display. in Unesco thesaurus (): .
- examples: (reference: Syntax); in indexing and abstracting services in print media: (reference: Syntax)
- format: (reference: Syntax)
- syntax. evaluation: (reference: Syntax)
- KWOC indexes
- Lancaster (F. W.)
- Landauer (Thomas K.)
- views on users as source of terms for end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- language
- as non-topical feature, as searchable feature
- human. richness: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- language-based texts
- versus image texts as indexable matter for world-wide websites: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- language families
- facet. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- language model
- for automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for best match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- language texts
- formats: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- genres: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus image texts. automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus non-language texts. automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus sound texts. automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- languages
- latent semantic indexing
- of information retrieval
- lead-in terms
- in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- lead paragraphs
- as indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- Lehnus (Donald J.)
- levels
- of treatment as non-topical feature; as searchable feature; in documentary scope for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- librarianship
- libraries
- call numbers: (reference: Locators) (examples: (reference: Locators); local nature: (reference: Locators))
- compared to databases: (reference: Standards)
- IR databases. software: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- library and information science
- classification. retroactive notation: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); special interest groups as sources: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- library catalogs
- related term to consider: OPACs
- cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management); absence: (reference: Syntax)
- Library of Congress
- Library of Congress classification
- Library of Congress filing rules
- as standard for alphanumeric arrangement
- Library of Congress subject headings
- alphabetical browsing: (reference: Syntax)
- application of facets of Bliss bibliographic classification: (reference: Syntax)
- arrangement of subdivisions: (reference: Syntax)
- broader term cross references: (reference: Syntax)
- categorization of subdivisions: (reference: Syntax)
- chronological subdivisions: (reference: Syntax)
- combination of entities and actions: (reference: Syntax)
- compared to vocabulary of users: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- comprehensibility: (reference: Syntax)
- confusion between form subdivisions versus topical subdivisions: (reference: Syntax)
- decision trees: (reference: Syntax)
- display: (reference: Syntax); views of American Library Association: (reference: Syntax); views of Drabenstott and Vizine-Goetz: (reference: Syntax)
- equivalent term cross references: (reference: Syntax)
- exact-match searches: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted syntax; coextensive index headings: (reference: Syntax); examples: (reference: Syntax); testing: (reference: Syntax); views of Chan (Lois Mai): (reference: Syntax)
- form subdivisions: (reference: Syntax)
- general cross references: (reference: Syntax)
- geographic subdivisions: (reference: Syntax)
- keyword searches: (reference: Syntax)
- main headings: (reference: Syntax)
- modernization: (reference: Syntax)
- narrower term cross references: (reference: Syntax)
- national authority file: (reference: Syntax)
- professional and research literature: (reference: Syntax)
- recommendations for improvement: (reference: Syntax)
- related term cross references: (reference: Syntax)
- search decision trees: (reference: Syntax)
- specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- subdivision by place versus topic: (reference: Syntax)
- subdivision practice: (reference: Syntax)
- subdivisions: (reference: Syntax); conference on future: (reference: Syntax)
- syndetic structure: (reference: Syntax)
- syntax: (reference: Syntax); history: (reference: Syntax)
- topical subdivisions: (reference: Syntax)
- types of subject headings: (reference: Syntax)
- library performance
- evaluation: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- linear text
- conversion to hypertext: (reference: Full-Text Display); automatic: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- versus hypertext
- linguistics
- links
- in HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display); and documentary units in full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- in postcoordinate syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- literary study
- methodological approaches: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- literary warrant principle.
- literature
- facets. fields in record formats: (reference: Record Format); for classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- locators : chap.
- as indicators of postings: (reference: Locators)
- chapter and paragraph numbers: (reference: Locators)
- definition: (reference: IR Databases),
- external: (reference: Locators); for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Locators)
- for digital resources: (reference: Locators)
- for indexes in electronic books: (reference: Locators)
- for indexing and abstracting services; in electronic media: (reference: Locators)
- for nonbook media: (reference: Locators)
- for webpages: (reference: Locators)
- hypertext. indicators of postings: (reference: Locators)
- in book indexes: (reference: Locators)
- in index entries in books: (reference: Search Interface)
- internal: (reference: Locators); for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Locators); in print media: (reference: Locators)
- invisible: (reference: Locators)
- numbers of. under headings
- paragraph numbers: (reference: Locators)
- ranges. indication: (reference: Locators)
- sequences of
- visible: (reference: Locators)
- lower-case letters
- codes for representation: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- machine searching
- machine translation
- machines
- versus humans in indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- main headings
- management information systems
- MARC formats
- as digital communications format: (reference: Record Format)
- fields: (reference: Record Format)
- for authority records: (reference: Record Format)
- for books. examples: (reference: Record Format)
- for classification data: (reference: Record Format)
- for name authorities. examples: (reference: Record Format)
- versus record formats for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Record Format)
- websites: (reference: Record Format)
- MARC records
- display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- Marchionini (Gary)
- views on browsing: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- mark-up languages. see: encoding schemas (for digital texts)
- mathematical symbols
- measurement
- for testing and evaluation of IR databases: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- measures
- of use versus censorship: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- audio. types: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- CD-ROMs for IR databases
- electronic. as standard for IR databases: (reference: Display Media); types for IR databases: (reference: Display Media); unit of manipulation: (reference: Display Media); versus paper. cost: (reference: Display Media)
- for display of IR databases : chap.
- for IR databases; examples; books (advantages: (reference: Display Media)); card files . (disadvantages: (reference: Display Media)); computer-output microfilm: (reference: Display Media); microforms, sec. .; paper, sec. . (versus electronic media: (reference: Display Media))
- for reading. advantages of paper: (reference: Display Media)
- impact on design options for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- nonbook. locators: (reference: Locators)
- paper. postcoordinate indexing systems: (reference: Display Media); for special types of IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- versus formats in Dublin Core metadata: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- visual. types: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- media formats
- versus presentation formats: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- media options
- for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- Medical subject headings
- browsing versus searching: (reference: Syntax)
- MedIndEx
- as examples of expert systems for subject analysis and indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- mental images
- of IR databases: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- menu displays
- fish-eye.: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- messages
- analysis. methods
- as key entities for IR databases
- characteristics
- from nature: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- indexing; compared to indexing of concrete entities and events
- types. elimination as indexable matter
- varieties: (reference: Types of IR Databases)
- versus works: (reference: Terminology)
- without human authors: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- metadata
- definition: (reference: Record Format)
- Dublin Core. formats versus media: (reference: Documentary Scope); role in surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- for Dublin Core website: (reference: Record Format)
- internal. record formats using Dublin Core
- versus bibliographic records: (reference: Record Format)
- metadata records
- using Dublin Core. example; by Joseph (Michael): (reference: Record Format)
- metadata schemas
- examples: (reference: Record Format)
- interoperability: (reference: Record Format); standards: (reference: Record Format)
- isolation versus consensus: (reference: Record Format)
- number: (reference: Record Format)
- methodological approaches
- as topic versus feature: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- in literary study: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- in subject scope versus documentary scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- for analysis. of messages; of documents, messages, texts : chap. ; examples; for book indexes; for digital libraries; for full-text encyclopedias; for indexing and abstracting services
- for analysis in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); British standards: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); international standards: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for arrangement of retrieved documentary units: (reference: Syntax)
- for combination of index terms
- for searching of indexes
- for selection of index terms
- Michel (Dee)
- and Kuhr (Pat). compilation of term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- microfilm
- computer-output. as media for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- microforms
- as media for IR databases, sec. .
- microthesauri
- in Eurovoc thesaurus: .
- Milstead (Jessica L.)
- acknowledgments : .
- minor terms
- MLA International Bibliography: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- faceted classification: (reference: Search Interface); facet arrangement: (reference: Syntax); syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- faceted index headings. examples: (reference: Syntax)
- opening screen. subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- rules for indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- models
- for databases. flat file databases; hypertext databases; object-oriented databases; relational databases
- Modern Language Association of America. see: IR (information retrieval), MLA international bibliography
- monographic databases
- monographic series: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- revised frequently. versus serials: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus books: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus serials as non-topical features
- versus serials as searchable features
- and video recordings. documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- multi-word phrases
- in permuted syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- multiformats
- versus multimedia: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- multimedia
- for book indexes: (reference: Display Media)
- versus multiformats: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- Mulvany (Nancy)
- styles versus genres: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- musical symbols
- name authorities
- MARC formats. examples: (reference: Record Format)
- names
- for actions: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- narrower-term cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- narrower terms
- equivalent-term cross references for. in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- NT as notation for: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus related terms in syndetic structure: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus related terms in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- narrowing
- of searches with exact match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- national authority file
- National Information Standards Organization (NISO). see: NISO
- natural language syntax
- adequacy of collocation: (reference: Syntax)
- compared to ad hoc string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- criteria for evaluation: (reference: Syntax)
- effectiveness: (reference: Syntax)
- in keyword indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- versus permuted syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- natural language text
- as source for index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- nature
- messages from: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- navigation
- browsing: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- needs
- versus wants in information retrieval: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- needs assessment
- not in scope of this book
- negative vocabulary control: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- NEPHIS (Nested Phrase Indexing System)
- as example of ad hoc string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- coding examples: (reference: Syntax)
- index headings. examples: (reference: Syntax)
- notation: (reference: Syntax)
- syntax algorithm. explanation: (reference: Syntax)
- use for book indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- Nested Phrase Indexing System. see: NEPHIS (Nested Phrase Indexing System)
- new users
- versus frequent users
- Nielsen (Jakob)
- views on scrolling: (reference: Search Interface)
- NISO (National Information Standards Organization)
- executive director. acknowledgment :
- standards for alphanumeric arrangement
- NISO Committee YY
- members. acknowledgment :
- new standard for indexes :
- non-book media
- locators for: (reference: Locators)
- non-displayed indexes
- for electronic books: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- inverted files: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- role of search interfaces
- searches. presentation of suggestions for vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- syntax. alternative options: (reference: Syntax); major types: (reference: Syntax)
- terminology for; opposition from American Society for Information Science
- versus displayed indexes : chap. ; differences: (reference: Syntax); examples; for books; in digital libraries; in encyclopedias; in indexing and abstracting services; calculation of exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity); syntax: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- versus vocabulary lists: (reference: Syntax)
- vocabulary lists versus indexes: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- vocabulary management for indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- non-displayed searching
- in electronic media: (reference: Display Media)
- non-language texts
- versus language texts. automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- non-topical features
- authors and authorship
- combined with topics in searches: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- examples: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- identification in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- importance for experts: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- levels of treatment
- monographs versus serials
- place of publication
- point of view
- role in relevance judgments: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- time of publication
- versus topics; clear distinctions: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- notation
- and captions for classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- BT for broader terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); types: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in call numbers: (reference: Locators); in Unesco thesaurus (): .
- for relational syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- for thesauri. translation into natural human language: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in NEPHIS: (reference: Syntax)
- in Universal decimal classification. examples: (reference: Syntax); compared to relational syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- NT for narrower terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- retroactive. for classification of library and information science: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- role in classification systems: (reference: Syntax); in display of classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- RT for related terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- UF for un-used terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- novices
- versus experts; interfaces for. views of Raskin (Jef): (reference: Search Interface)
- NT
- as notation for narrower terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- numbering
- of paragraphs: (reference: Documentary Units); methods: (reference: Locators)
- numbers
- object-oriented databases
- objects
- versus agents in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- O’Connor (Brian)
- odds-payoff indexing chart: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- online public access catalogs. see: OPACs
- ontologies
- categories. views of Poli (Roberto): (reference: Vocabulary Management); of Sowa (John): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- compilation: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- conceptual levels: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for business: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for machine translation: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus knowledge organization systems.
- views of Hjerppe (Roland): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management); categories: (reference: Vocabulary Management); term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- views of Vickery (Brian C.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- weak structures: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- related term to consider: library catalogs
- cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management); omission: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- display of subject headings
- equivalent-term cross references. form: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- opening screens
- for indexing and abstracting services. subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- for IR databases. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- MLA international bibliography. subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- of world-wide websites as indexable matter
- presentation of subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- Queer resources directory. subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- topics versus features: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- operations
- and processes.
- versus processes in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- optical coincidence IR systems. see: peek-a-boo IR systems
- pages
- versus paragraphs as documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- paper formats
- paper media
- advantages. for reading: (reference: Display Media)
- for IR databases, sec. .; as favored medium: (reference: Display Media); for special types: (reference: Display Media)
- postcoordinate indexing systems: (reference: Display Media)
- versus electronic media. cost: (reference: Display Media); for IR databases: (reference: Display Media)
- paradigms
- of information science: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- paragraph numbers
- as locators: (reference: Locators)
- paragraphs
- as documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units); advantages: (reference: Documentary Units); NISO recommendations: (reference: Documentary Units); for electronic texts: (reference: Documentary Units)
- lead (initial). as basis for indexing; as indexable matter
- numbering: (reference: Documentary Units); methods: (reference: Locators)
- versus pages as documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- parentheses
- parts of entities
- parts of documents
- versus complete documents: (reference: Documentary Units)
- passage retrieval
- analysis of full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- peek-a-boo IR systems
- boolean searches: (reference: Display Media)
- Pérez-Carballo (José)
- as co-author : .
- Pérez-López (Kathleen Golitko)
- views on automatic indexing of image texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- periods (full stops, dots). see: full stops (dots, periods)
- permuted indexes
- nonsensical index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- permuted syntax
- multi-word phrases: (reference: Syntax)
- versus natural language syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (PURL): (reference: Locators)
- personal IR databases
- Peters (Ronnie)
- views on search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface)
- from full text for end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management); identification: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- identification in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods) (cost versus benefits: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)); in searching: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- in automatic indexing;importance: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- in KWAC indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- in KWOC indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- role in browsing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- physical formats
- as non-topical feature, as searchable features
- placement
- of cross references. examples: (reference: Syntax)
- examples in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- facets for. arrangement: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- versus topics. subdivisions in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- plural “s” suffixes
- stemming: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- acronyms for facets: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- poems, poetry
- points of view
- in documentary scope: (reference: Documentary Scope); for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- Poli (Roberto)
- views on categories in ontologies: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- political aspects
- of information retrieval: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Pollitt (A. Steven, et al.)
- work on display of thesauri for searching: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- and precoordinate combination of index terms
- of index terms
- postcoordinate indexing systems
- on paper media: (reference: Display Media)
- postcoordinate search statements: (reference: Syntax)
- versus precoordinate index headings: (reference: IR Databases)
- postcoordinate syntax, sec. .
- links: (reference: Syntax)
- used with precoordinate syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- versus precoordinate syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- postcoordination
- versus precoordination. views of Svenonius (Elaine): (reference: Syntax)
- postings data
- dynamic. in faceted relational classified displayed indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for categories versus descriptors: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- for indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Locators)
- in cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in display of classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- in displayed indexes for electronic books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- in indexes for electronic books: (reference: Locators)
- indicators for hypertext locators: (reference: Locators)
- locators as indicators: (reference: Locators)
- number and specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- as example of faceted syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- precision
- and recall; impact of exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity); of exhaustivity; of specificity; inverse relationship: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- high-precision. role of automatic indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity); of high-threshold indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity); of human indexing: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- impact of specificity: (reference: Specifity); of syntax: (reference: Syntax) (examples: (reference: Syntax))
- and postcoordinate combination of index terms
- precoordinate index headings: (reference: Syntax)
- versus postcoordinate search statements: (reference: IR Databases)
- precoordinate index terms
- role in search statements: (reference: IR Databases)
- precoordinate indexing languages
- precoordinate syntax, sec. .
- purpose. views of Craven (Timothy): (reference: Syntax)
- used with postcoordinate syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- versus postcoordinate syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- precoordination
- versus postcoordination. views of Svenonius (Elaine): (reference: Syntax)
- predictability
- preferred terms
- in thesauri. choice: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus gathering terms in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- prepositions
- of indexes
- presentation formats
- versus media formats: (reference: Documentary Scope); physical formats: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- primary sources
- versus secondary sources for IR databases
- principles
- for application of subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for coextensive index headings in string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- for coextensive subject headings in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for consistency in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for construction of subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for design of record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- for homonymy in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for literary warrant in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for naming in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for selection of documents for IR databases: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- for semantics in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for specific index headings in string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- for specific subject headings in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for subject heading systems
- for subject indexing policy in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for synonymy in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for syntax in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for uniform headings in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- for user needs in subject heading systems: (reference: Syntax)
- print displays
- visual resolution: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- print interfaces. see: search interfaces
- print media
- alphanumeric indexes. preference for: (reference: Search Interface)
- book indexes. interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- display of faceted classification; of surrogates for author searches: (reference: Surrogate Displays); for subject searches: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- displayed indexes. type size: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- indexing and abstracting services. comprehensive searches: (reference: Syntax); displayed indexes: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes) (based on automatic indexing: (reference: Syntax)); interface designs: (reference: Search Interface); internal locators: (reference: Locators); KWIC indexes. examples: (reference: Syntax); search interfaces: (reference: Search Interface); use of enumerative classification: (reference: Search Interface); vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- relational classified displays. citation order of facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- search interfaces
- print media IR databases
- search options: (reference: Search Interface)
- printed books
- indexes. alphanumeric. display: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); size: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- surrogates. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays); unified surrogates: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- printed indexes
- vocabulary management: (reference: Search Interface)
- probabilistic model
- for human indexing
- processes
- and attributes versus abstract entities in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- and operations. categories in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus operations in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- proper nouns
- properties
- proximity requirements
- pseudo relevance feedback: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Psychological abstracts
- example of ad hoc syntax with systematic syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- publications
- related to this book : .
- punctuation
- purpose
- of information retrieval for diverse users: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- of this book : , sec. ., pt.
- qualifiers
- for core elements of Dublin Core
- in documentary scope; for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- objective. in documentary scope: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- qualitative judgments
- in request-oriented human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- qualitative studies
- Queer resources directory
- queer theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- compared to indexing theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Ranganathan (Shiyali Ramamrita)
- facet analysis
- facets for diesel engines: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- rules for indexing about diesel engines: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- views on arrangement of facets: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- ranking
- absence in exact match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- in best match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- of related terms by frequency of co-occurrence: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of texts. use of word frequency: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Raskin (Jef)
- views on icons: (reference: Search Interface); on interfaces for experts versus novices: (reference: Search Interface)
- reading
- media. advantages of paper: (reference: Display Media)
- versus searching on electronic media: (reference: Display Media)
- recall
- and precision; impact of exhaustivity; of specificity; inverse relationship: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- impact of specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- impossibility of calculation: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- versus relative recall: (reference: Exhaustivity)
- record formats : chap.
- design. principles: (reference: Record Format)
- fields for book indexes: (reference: Record Format); for document descriptions: (reference: Record Format); for facets of literature: (reference: Record Format)
- for a class IR database
- for America: history and life
- for book indexes in electronic media: (reference: Record Format)
- for Historical abstracts
- for indexing and abstracting services; versus MARC formats: (reference: Record Format)
- for internal metadata using Dublin Core
- for literature: (reference: Record Format)
- for MLA international bibliography
- for rotated term syntax: (reference: Record Format)
- reference IR databases
- documentary units versus surrogates: (reference: Documentary Units)
- reference librarians
- facet analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- related-term cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- related terms
- related term to consider: associative relationships
- identification by term co-occurrence: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- ranking by frequency of co-occurrence: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- RT as notation for: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus narrower terms in syndetic structure: (reference: Vocabulary Management); in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- relational classified displays, sec. .
- for printed books: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- in hypertext. research: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- in print media. citation order of facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- on world-wide web: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- role in information retrieval: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- versus alphanumeric displays: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- relational databases
- as model for databases
- relational indexing
- views of Farradane (Jason): (reference: Syntax)
- relational syntax
- notation: (reference: Syntax); compared to Universal decimal classification: .
- relational indicators: (reference: Syntax)
- use: (reference: Syntax)
- relevance
- judges of
- in filtering: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- in selective dissemination of information: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- procedures: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- pseudo: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- purpose: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- relevance judgments
- role of non-topical features: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- role of user attributes: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- request-oriented human indexing
- qualitative judgments: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- experimental. on end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- field. on use of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- lack of. on alphanumeric arrangement
- on automatic indexing versus human indexing
- on browsing in IR
- on classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- on clustering of terms for vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- on information seeking: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- on relational classified displays in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- on solutions for vocabulary problems: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- on surrogate display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- on syndetic structure. proposal: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- on term relationships in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- on vocabulary problems
- versus standards. views of Saracevic (Tefko)
- research fronts
- identification by co-citation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- retrieved documentary units
- arrangement. methods: (reference: Syntax)
- retroactive notation
- for classification of library and information science: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- Rice, (Ronald E.)
- and Chang (Shan-Ju). views on browsing: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- role definers
- role facets
- versus type facets in citation order of facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- role indicators
- roles
- use in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus hierarchical relationships: (reference: Specifity)
- roman numerals
- rotated term syntax
- dates (time). treatment: (reference: Syntax)
- in America history & life: (reference: Syntax)
- locators: (reference: Syntax)
- RT
- as notation for related terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- rules
- for analysis in human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for human indexing; domain analysis as basis: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); limitations: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); relation to subject scope and documentary scope: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of Cooper (William S.). views of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); role of decision theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of gedanken experimentation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); of utility theory: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); views of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods) of image texts; specialized: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for indexing about diesel engines by Ranganathan: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); for MLA international bibliography: .
- run-in layout
- versus indented layout for book indexes: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- Rutgers University
- guidelines for analysis in cataloging and classification: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Saracevic (Tefko)
- views on research versus standards
- scatter-gather clustering: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- scientific research
- related term to consider: research
- versus standards
- scope
- of this book : ; exclusion of databases for concrete entities and events
- versus specificity of index terms: (reference: Specifity)
- scope notes
- in displayed indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- screens
- opening. see: opening screens
- scrolling
- in hypertext displays: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- views of Nielsen (Jakob): (reference: Search Interface)
- search decision trees
- search engines
- world-wide web. role of indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- search interfaces : chap.
- and visualization. views of Hearst (Marti A.): (reference: Search Interface)
- customization: (reference: Search Interface); views of Head (Alison J.): (reference: Search Interface)
- decoration: (reference: Search Interface)
- electronic interfaces. versus print interfaces. comparison: (reference: Search Interface)
- for electronic IR databases; problems and opportunities: (reference: Search Interface)
- for experts versus novices. views of Raskin (Jef): (reference: Search Interface)
- for indexing and abstracting services in print media: (reference: Search Interface)
- for IR databases in electronic media
- for print media
- guidelines: (reference: Search Interface)
- impact: (reference: Search Interface)
- importance: (reference: Search Interface)
- integration of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- role in non-displayed indexes
- separation from content of IR databases: (reference: Search Interface)
- views of Peters (Ronnie): (reference: Search Interface); of Shneiderman (Ben): (reference: Search Interface)
- search options
- for digital libraries: (reference: Syntax)
- for electronic encyclopedias: (reference: Syntax)
- in print media IR databases: (reference: Search Interface)
- search statements
- multiple terms. suggestions for vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- postcoordinate: (reference: Syntax)
- role of precoordinate index terms: (reference: IR Databases)
- versus index headings: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes); syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- search terms
- mapping to controlled vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- searchable features
- continuing and integrating resources as –
- non-topical features: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- types of authors and creators: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- types of corporate bodies: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- searchers
- and indexers. variability of vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- searches
- boolean. peek-a-boo (optical coincidence) IR systems: (reference: Display Media)
- broad-scoped. versus narrow-scoped searches: (reference: Specifity)
- comprehensive. in indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax); in print media: (reference: Syntax)
- exact-match. Library of Congress subject headings: .
- for known items with known vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management); with unknown vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for unknown items with known vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management); with unknown vocabulary: (reference: Vocabulary Management); and vague concepts: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in non-displayed indexes. presentation of suggestions for vocabulary management: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- narrow-scoped. versus broad-scoped searches: (reference: Specifity)
- narrowing with exact match syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- non-topical features combined with topics: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- of exploration: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- of full texts in HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- selective. in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax)
- targeted. in indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- use of clustering in indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- use of proximity requirements in indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- use of truncation of indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- searching
- by means of classification systems: (reference: Syntax); clusters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- display of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management); work of Pollitt (A. Steven, et al.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- full-text. documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units); of books in electronic media (syntax: (reference: Syntax))
- inconsistency: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- non-displayed. in electronic media: (reference: Display Media)
- of indexes. methods
- versus browsing using Medical subject headings: (reference: Syntax)
- versus reading on electronic media: (reference: Display Media)
- with end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Sear’s list of subject headings: (reference: Syntax)
- secondary sources
- for IR databases: (reference: Documentary Domain); versus primary sources
- related terms to consider: narrower-term cross references; broader-term cross references; related-term cross references
- for equivalent terms in automatic indexing: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- from unused headings: (reference: Search Interface)
- general: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- omission: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- placement: (reference: Search Interface)
- presentation in displayed indexes in electronic media: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- problems: (reference: Search Interface)
- terminology: (reference: Search Interface)
- see references. see: equivalent-term cross references
- selection
- of documents for IR databases. principles: (reference: Documentary Domain)
- of index terms. methods
- of useful documents by advisory groups and indexing staff: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- selective dissemination of information
- selective searches
- in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Syntax)
- semantics principle.
- serial databases
- Serial Item & Contribution Identifier (SICI): (reference: Locators)
- serials
- versus monographs as non-topical feature; as searchable feature
- versus revised monographs: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- series
- monographic -: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- ISO standard: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- relationship with HTML and XML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- software: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- views of Hockey (Susan): (reference: Full-Text Display)
- shelf arrangement
- Shneiderman (Ben)
- signals
- definitions: (reference: Standards)
- single characters
- single documents
- IR databases for. documentary scope descriptions: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- of book indexes; estimation: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes) (accuracy: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); problems: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); as guideline for indexing: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)); reduction: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- of computer screens: (reference: Search Interface)
- of displayed indexes : chap. , sec. .
- of documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units); impact on indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter); relationship to exhaustivity: (reference: Exhaustivity); among variables in IR research: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); in full texts in digital media: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- of indexes. determination: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); estimation: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); impact of syntax: (reference: Syntax); relationship to document size: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes); for digital libraries; for electronic encyclopedias; for indexing and abstracting services; for printed books: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- of surrogates: (reference: Surrogates)
- of thesauri. impact of bound terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management);
- of vocabulary for indexing. impact of specificity
- slashes
- slides (photographic)
- social construction
- of gender: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of indexing rules. application of views of Wittgenstein (Ludwig): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus cognition in human indexing
- social constructionism
- versus essentialism in gender studies: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- social context
- of human indexing. views of Frohmann (Bernd): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- societies
- versus institutions in descriptive cataloging: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- Sociological abstracts
- sociology
- Soergel (Dagobert)
- views on construction of thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management); on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on Ontologies: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for digital libraries: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- for IR databases; in libraries: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- for personal IR databases: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- sorting. see: arrangement
- sound texts
- and image texts. terminology: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Sowa (John)
- spaces
- Sparck Jones (Karen)
- special interest groups
- as sources of facets for library and information science: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- of American Library Association: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- specialized categories
- specialized domains
- specialized rules
- for human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- specific documents
- specific index heading principle
- specific subject heading principle
- specificity
- among variables in IR research: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)a
- and number of postings: (reference: Specifity)
- as closeness of relationship between index term and topic: (reference: Specifity)
- definitions
- hierarchical: (reference: Specifity)
- impact. on recall: (reference: Specifity); of free uncontrolled vocabulary: (reference: Specifity); of vocabulary control: (reference: Specifity); on precision: (reference: Specifity); on precision and recall; on size of vocabulary for indexing;
- interactions with exhaustivity and vocabulary management: (reference: Specifity)
- of index terms in book indexes (assigned by automatic indexing: .; assigned by human indexing: (reference: Specifity)); in digital libraries; in encyclopedias; in indexing and abstracting services
- of vocabulary for indexing : chap.
- operational: (reference: Specifity); versus semantic specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- practical
- semantic. versus operational specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- statement/heading
- versus broader-narrower cross references: (reference: Specifity); exhaustivity of indexing; scope of index terms: (reference: Specifity); syntax; up-posting and generic posting: (reference: Specifity); vocabulary of users: (reference: Specifity)
- views of Balnaves (John): (reference: Specifity); of Cutter (Charles Ammi): (reference: Specifity); of Library of Congress: (reference: Specifity); of Sparck Jones (Karen): (reference: Specifity); of Svenonius (Elaine): (reference: Specifity); of Weinberg (Bella Hass): (reference: Specifity); of Wilson (Patrick): (reference: Specifity)
- stability
- versus chaos and creativity in IR database design
- absence of. resulting responsibility of information professionals
- for alphanumeric arrangement; lack of consensus; A.L.A. filing rules; Library of Congress filing rules: .; NISO
- for cataloging
- for classification
- for display of indexes: (reference: Search Interface)
- for identification of authors: (reference: Surrogates)
- for indexes. endorsement by American Society for Information Science; impossibility; lack of consensus; objections of American Society of Indexers; opposition (from American Society for Information Science); role of NISO Committee YY :
- for indexing
- for information retrieval
- for interoperability of metadata schemas: (reference: Record Format); of vocabulary data: (reference: Record Format)
- for IR database design
- for surrogates
- for thesauri. views on bound terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- impossibility. in periods of instability
- versus research. views of Saracevic (Tefko); scientific research
- star clusters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- static clustering: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- automatic. user options: (reference: Syntax)
- for automatic indexing
- identification of word roots: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- impact: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on frequency of words: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of multiple suffixes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of plural “s” suffixes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- stop list terms
- stop lists
- as negative vocabulary control
- choice of words: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for reducing size of indexes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- number of words: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- user-defined.: (reference: Syntax)
- string clusters: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- string indexing
- display in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- string indexing syntax
- coextensive index headings: (reference: Syntax);>principles: (reference: Syntax)
- compared to subject heading syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- eliminability principle: (reference: Syntax)
- objectives: (reference: Syntax)
- specific index headings. principles: (reference: Syntax)
- structured data
- style
- for bibliographic citations : .
- styles
- versus genres in music: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- subdivision
- by place versus topic. in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- practices. in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- subdivisions, subheadings
- arrangement; in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- categorization. in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- in Library of Congress subject headings: .; conference on future: (reference: Syntax)
- subheadings. see: subdivisions, subheadings
- subject analysis and indexing.
- expert systems. examples. MedIndEx: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); use of checktags: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- in indexing and abstracting services
- subject cataloging
- subject domain : chap.
- of IR databases: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus subject scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- subject domain analysis
- necessary detail: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- value: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- subject domain description
- goals: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- subject heading syntax
- compared to string syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- subject heading systems
- principles; principles for: application: (reference: Syntax); coextensive subject headings: (reference: Syntax); consistency: (reference: Syntax); construction: (reference: Syntax); homonymy: (reference: Syntax); literary warrant: (reference: Syntax); naming: (reference: Syntax); semantics: (reference: Syntax); specific subject headings: (reference: Syntax); subject indexing policy: (reference: Syntax); synonymy: (reference: Syntax); syntax: (reference: Syntax); uniform headings: (reference: Syntax); user needs: (reference: Syntax)
- subject headings
- related terms to consider: Library of Congress subject headings; Medical subject headings; Sear’s list of subject headings
- development in th century: (reference: Syntax)
- display in hypertext: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes); in OPACs
- future: (reference: Syntax)
- in the United States: (reference: Syntax)
- types in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- versus terms in syndetic structure: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- subject indexing
- subject indexing policy principle.
- subject scope : chap.
- and documentary scope. relation to rules for human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- presentation; on opening screens: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); for MLA international bibliography: .; for Queer resources directory: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- specialized categories for folklore: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); for language: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); for linguistics: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); for literature: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus documentary scope: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain), ; role of author processes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); methodological approaches: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus indexable matter; subject domain: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- abstract entities versus attributes and processes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- actions: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- agents versus objects: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- and subject domain analysis. functions: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); necessary detail: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); value: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- attributes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- complex phenomena. insurance as example: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- concrete entities versus abstract entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- constituent materials: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- events: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- examples; of actions: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); of attributes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); of entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); of events: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); of places: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); of time: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- expression of categories: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- facets: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- for artistic works versus critical works: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); book indexes; digital libraries; for full-text encyclopedias; for indexing and abstracting services; for this book: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- generic categories. role: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- non-topical features: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- number of categories: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- operations: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- parts of entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- places: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- processes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- processes versus operations: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- properties: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- purpose: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- time: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- topical groupings versus facets: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain);>deficiency of topical groupings: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- use of roles: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- subject scope description
- nature. views of Hj�rland (Birger): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- suffixes
- multiple. stemming: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- plural “s.” stemming: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- surrogate displays
- surrogates, surrogation : chap.
- based on automatic indexing. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- content: (reference: Surrogates); in indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Surrogates)
- definition: (reference: Surrogates)
- display : chap. ; examples; options: (reference: Surrogate Displays); format options: (reference: Surrogate Displays); order of fields: (reference: Surrogate Displays); research: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- display versus content: (reference: Surrogates)
- for author searches. display in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- for machine searching
- for subject searches. display in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- format: (reference: Surrogates)
- formatted display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- full. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- in book indexes; display
- in digital libraries; display
- in electronic books. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- in electronic encyclopedias; display
- in electronic media. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- in indexing and abstracting services; display; role of keywords: (reference: Surrogates)
- in libraries. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- in print media. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- in printed books. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- in tables of contents. display: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- intermediate. for electronic books: (reference: Surrogate Displays); topic sentences: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- purpose; views of Green et al: (reference: Surrogates)
- role in data mining, knowledge discovery: (reference: Surrogates)
- role of Dublin core metadata: (reference: Surrogates)
- size: (reference: Surrogates)
- staged display in electronic media: (reference: Surrogate Displays); in print media: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- standards
- unified: (reference: Surrogate Displays); for printed books: (reference: Surrogate Displays)
- versus documentary units; in reference IR databases: (reference: Documentary Units)
- Svenonius (Elaine)
- views on precoordination versus postcoordination: (reference: Syntax); on specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- symbols
- and codes. nature. for texts: (reference: Display Media); varieties. for texts: (reference: Display Media); for IR databases
- as vocabulary management: (reference: Syntax)
- in alphabetical displayed indexes
- narrower terms versus related terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- purpose: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- research. proposal: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- subject headings versus terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- synonymous terms
- and equivalent terms. vocabulary management: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- equivalent-term cross references in book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- synonymy principle.
- syntactic cross references
- syntactic operators
- in exact match syntax: (reference: Syntax); meaning: (reference: Syntax)
- syntagmatic relationships: (reference: Syntax)
- in indexing. views of Green (Rebecca)
- related terms to consider: ad hoc string syntax; ad hoc syntax; analytico-synthetic classification syntax best match syntax chain syntax; exact match syntax faceted syntax; natural language syntax; permuted syntax; postcoordinate syntax; precoordinate syntax; relational syntax; rotated term syntax; string indexing syntax; subject heading syntax systematic syntax
- absence in vocabulary lists: (reference: Syntax)
- as essential attribute of indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- for displayed indexes versus non-displayed indexes: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- for full-text searching of books in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- for index headings : chap. ; definition: (reference: IR Databases)
- for non-displayed indexes. alternative options: (reference: Syntax); major types: (reference: Syntax)
- for search statements : chap. ; definition: (reference: IR Databases)
- for string indexing
- impact on precision: (reference: Syntax); examples: (reference: Syntax)
- impact on size of indexes: (reference: Syntax)
- in classification: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- in Dewey decimal classification: (reference: Syntax)
- in faceted classifications: (reference: Syntax)
- in HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- in index headings compared to search statements: (reference: Syntax)
- in Library of Congress classification: .
- in Library of Congress subject headings: .; history: (reference: Syntax)
- postcoordinate
- precoordinate, sec. .
- role in indexing: (reference: Syntax)
- syntax principle
- systematic syntax
- and ad hoc syntax. combinations; example in Psychological abstracts: .
- and citations. combinations: (reference: Syntax)
- for Abstracts in anthropology: (reference: Search Interface)
- for Historical abstracts: .
- for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Search Interface)
- for Information science abstracts: .
- for Sociological abstracts: .
- tags
- in HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display),
- in record formats: (reference: Record Format)
- taxonomy
- definition: (reference: Search Interface)
- Taylor (Arlene)
- technical report
- on design of indexes : .
- TEI (text encoding initiative)
- beginnings: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- encoding of full texts: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- headers: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- impact: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- in digital libraries: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- versus HTML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- term records
- conceptually similar. merger: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- field tags: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for thesauri. card format: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in Unesco thesaurus (): .; (): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- term relationships
- related terms to consider: equivalence relationships; hierarchical relationships; associative relationships
- compilation by Michel (Dee) and Kuhr (Pat): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- in thesauri; attitudes of users: (reference: Vocabulary Management); display: (reference: Vocabulary Management); hierarchical display: (reference: Vocabulary Management); more detailed relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management); during compilation: (reference: Vocabulary Management); examples: (reference: Vocabulary Management); research: (reference: Vocabulary Management); versus ontologies: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- views of Association of Library Collections and Technical Services. Subject Analysis Committee: (reference: Vocabulary Management); of Diener (Richard): (reference: Vocabulary Management); of Farradane (Jason): (reference: Vocabulary Management); of Wang, Vandendorpe, and Evens: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- term weighting
- automatic methods: (reference: Syntax)
- for formats: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for genres: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for image texts and sound texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for indexing and abstracting services: (reference: Documentary Units)
- for media: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- for non-displayed indexes; opposition from American Society for Information Science
- for non-topical features: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- in equivalent-term cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- of IR database design
- terms
- addition to thesauri in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- co-occurrence. identification of related terms: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- testing
- and evaluation of IR database designs: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); of IR databases : chap. ; failure analysis: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); measurement: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); outside scope of book: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation); readings: (reference: Implementation and Evaluation)
- of faceted syntax for Library of Congress subject headings: .
- text encoding initiative. see: TEI (text encoding initiative)
- text encoding schemas
- examples: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- purpose: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- texts
- related term to consider: full texts
- and messages as entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- codes and symbols. nature: (reference: Display Media);>varieties: (reference: Display Media)
- composition. codes: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- computer algorithmic analysis for indexing
- distributions of words; Zipf’s law: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- electronic. paragraphs as documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- human intellectual analysis for indexing
- language. formats: (reference: Documentary Scope); genres: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- language-based. versus image texts as indexable matter for world-wide websites: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- machine-readable. codes for representation: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- non-language-based. indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- ranking. use of word frequency: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- sections as documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- types: (reference: Standards)
- varieties: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- versus exemplars: (reference: Terminology)
- word-processing. codes for representation: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- thematic roles: (reference: Syntax)
- theoretical models
- thesauri
- related terms to consider: EMTREE thesaurus; Unesco thesaurus (); Unesco thesaurus (); Eurovoc thesaurus; ASIS thesaurus; end-user thesauri; indexing thesauri
- addition of terms in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- and co-occurrence lists. combining: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- application to book indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- associative relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- categories. definitions: (reference: Vocabulary Management); size: (reference: Vocabulary Management); not mutually exclusive: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- construction. books on: (reference: Vocabulary Management); computer programs: (reference: Vocabulary Management); views of Soergel (Dagobert): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- display for searching: (reference: Vocabulary Management); work of Pollitt (A. Steven, et al.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- end-user. experimental research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- equivalence relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for full-text IR databases: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- gathering terms. versus preferred terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- hierarchical displays. term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- hierarchical relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management); versus associative relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- integration with search interfaces: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- more detailed term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- notation. translation into natural human language: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- preferred terms. selection: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- size. impact of bound terms on -: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- source of term “thesaurus”: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- standards. views on bound terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- syndetic structure: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- term records. card format: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- term relationships; attitudes of users: (reference: Vocabulary Management); display: (reference: Vocabulary Management); during compilation: (reference: Vocabulary Management); examples: (reference: Vocabulary Management); research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- terms. initial categorization of -: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- use. field research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- versus ontologies: (reference: Vocabulary Management); categories: (reference: Vocabulary Management); term relationships: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- thresholds
- in automatic clustering: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- time. see: dates (time)
- title indexes
- adequacy as indexable matter: (reference: Syntax)
- topical groupings
- deficiency in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus facets in subject scope analysis: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- topical subdivisions
- and form subdivisions. confusion in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- arrangement within facets: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- combined with non-topical features in searches: (reference: Documentary Scope)
- role of features: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus facets. number: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus non-topical features: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain), sec. .; clear distinction ; on opening screens: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); role: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- versus places. subdivision in Library of Congress subject headings: .
- transmission
- channels for IR databases. world-wide web
- treatment level
- IR research. role of users: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- truncation
- use in searches of indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Syntax)
- type size
- for displayed indexes in print media: (reference: Size of Displayed Indexes)
- UF
- as instruction for creation of equivalent-term cross references: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- as notation for un-used terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- underscores
- Unesco thesaurus (): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- classification notation: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- hierarchical displays: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- KWIC display: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- notation: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- relational displays: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- display of multiple hierarchical levels: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Uniform Resource Names (URN): (reference: Locators)
- United States
- in subject headings: (reference: Syntax)
- units of analysis
- Universal decimal classification
- compared to relational syntax. notational symbols: (reference: Syntax)
- notation. examples: (reference: Syntax)
- universities
- as example of abstract entities: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- unstructured data
- up-posting
- and generic posting. versus specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- upper-case letters
- URLs
- instability: (reference: Locators)
- use
- measures of. versus censorship: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus expert judgment in evaluation of importance: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- use references. see: equivalent-term cross references
- used for terms
- versus equivalent terms in end-user thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- useful documents
- identification. through of human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- selection. by advisory groups and indexing staff: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- user attributes
- user-defined stop lists: (reference: Syntax)
- user needs
- necessity for understanding: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- user needs principle.
- user needs assessment : pt.
- user options
- for automatic stemming: (reference: Syntax)
- user preferences
- for automatic indexing versus human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus expert judgment in IR database design: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- user studies
- user-suggested cross-references: (reference: Syntax)
- users
- as source of terms for end-user thesauri. views of Landauer (Thomas K.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- attitudes toward term relationships in thesauri: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- diverse. purposes of information retrieval: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of book indexes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain); vocabulary: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- role in IR research: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); TREC: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- vocabulary. compared to Library of Congress subject headings: .
- utility theory
- variability
- of vocabulary. views of Furnas (George W. et al.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- variables
- in IR research: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods);>conflation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); browsability: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); exhaustivity: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); extent of indexable matter: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); size of documentary units: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); specificity: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)a; surrogation: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); syntax: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); vocabulary management: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); views of Cooper (William S.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- variant terms
- vector-space model
- Vickery (Brian C.)
- views on ontologies: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- video recordings
- and motion pictures. documentary units: (reference: Documentary Units)
- visual media
- visual resolution
- of print displays: (reference: Arrangement of Displayed Indexes)
- visualization
- and search interfaces. views of Hearst (Marti A.): (reference: Search Interface)
- impact of cognitive abilities: (reference: Search Interface); views of Allen (Bryce L.): (reference: Search Interface)
- of information: (reference: Search Interface)
- vocabulary
- controlled. mapping of search terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for indexing. size. impact of specificity
- free uncontrolled. impact on specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- of users. compared to Library of Congress subject headings: .; versus specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- of users of book indexes: (reference: Subject Scope and Domain)
- specificity for indexing : chap.
- variability. among searchers and indexers: (reference: Vocabulary Management); in full-text sources: (reference: Vocabulary Management); views of Bates (Marcia): (reference: Vocabulary Management); views of Furnas (George W. et al.): (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- vocabulary control
- related term to consider: vocabulary management
- impact on specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- negative (stop lists)
- positive. in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- vocabulary data
- standards for interoperability: (reference: Record Format)
- vocabulary information
- display for electronic searches. design features: (reference: Search Interface); examples: (reference: Search Interface)
- vocabulary lists
- absence of syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- versus non-displayed indexes: (reference: Non-Displayed Indexes)
- vocabulary management : chap.
- automatic; examples. Associative Interactive Dictionary: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); impact: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- by means of syndetic structure: (reference: Syntax)
- bypassing. in electronic searching: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- clustering of terms: (reference: Vocabulary Management); research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for book indexes; in print media: (reference: Vocabulary Management); integration: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for displayed indexes: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for electronic searching: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- for indexes in electronic books: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for indexing and abstracting services; in print media: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for non-displayed indexes for indexing and abstracting services in electronic media: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- for printed indexes: (reference: Search Interface)
- in latent semantic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- interactions with specificity and exhaustivity: (reference: Specifity)
- of equivalent terms and synonymous terms: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of minor terms: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- suggestions. optional status: (reference: Vocabulary Management); presentation for searches in non-displayed indexes: (reference: Vocabulary Management); for multiple terms in search statements: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- vocabulary problems
- solutions; research: (reference: Vocabulary Management)
- Wang, Vandendorpe, and Evens
- wants
- versus needs in information retrieval: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- webpages
- websites
- for Dublin Core: (reference: Record Format)
- for MARC formats: (reference: Record Format)
- indexable matter. language-based texts versus image texts: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- opening screens as indexable matter
- weighted term syntax. see: best match syntax
- Weinberg (Bella Hass)
- Wellisch (Hans H.)
- acknowledgments :
- Wilson (Patrick)
- views on documentary domain: (reference: Documentary Domain); on human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); on specificity: (reference: Specifity)
- wisdom
- Wittgenstein (Ludwig)
- application of views to human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); to social construction of indexing rules: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- word pairs
- in natural language syntax: (reference: Syntax)
- word-processing texts
- word roots
- identification in stemming: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- words
- automatic indexing
- choice for stop lists: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- common. role in index terms
- definition. in automatic indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); in Chinese language: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- distribution in texts; Zipf’s law: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); impact of stemming: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); use for ranking of texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- frequency. in automatic indexing; in collections
- inverse document frequency: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- number. in stop lists: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- versus icons: (reference: Search Interface)
- Zipfian distribution. transition points: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods); in article by Booth (A. D.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- work marks
- works
- versus messages: (reference: Terminology)
- world-wide web
- and internet. application of expert judgment: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- as channel for transmission of documents: (reference: Documentary Scope); of IR databases
- documentary units for hypertext: (reference: Documentary Units)
- relational classified displays: (reference: Syntax)
- world-wide web search engines
- role of indexable matter: (reference: Indexable Matter)
- world-wide websites. see: websites
- XML and HTML.
- relationship with SGML: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- definitions: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- types: (reference: Full-Text Display)
- Z. standard
- for information retrieval protocols: (reference: Record Format)
- Zipfian distributions
- keywords compared to human indexing: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of words.
- transition points: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- of words in article by Booth (A. D.): (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- transition points.
- identification of keywords: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
- Zipf’s law on distributions of words in texts: (reference: Analysis and Indexing Methods)
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